Sharing Shoe-beat procedure.. Shared by Sahaja Brother : Shriniwas Damle [ PS: I will be sharing Sahaj clearance procedures on this forum, which I had learnt from my (late) father, Anant Damle, who was taught all these techniques by Shree Mataji between 1970-1985. I have seen these procedures working for the past 15 yrs for myself as well as others, 100% of the time & hence sharing them with all of you. Will humbly request you all to try them, if deemed appropriate ] Important suggestion: Before you execute any…
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Why do (some) managers scream and use abusive language?
Why do (some) managers scream and use abusive language? Hi folks, We all know that humans are not born with a screaming nature nor do they make an entry on planet Earth after learning abusive language from wherever they were before birth! So now the question is – why do people – especially those who are in the managerial positions – scream and shout in order to get work done? The reason is not very complex! Rather simple. Anyone who is having to repeat the same thing again and again…
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