Humans can get cured by their own inner power – A Sahaja Yoga Video

Humans can get cured by their own inner power – by Kundalini Awakening! Somatic and psychosomatic disorders can be fully cured by the practicing Sahaja Yoga. What is a somatic or somatoform disorder? Somatoform disorders are mental illnesses that cause bodily symptoms, including pain. The symptoms can’t be traced back to any physical cause. And they are not the result of substance abuse or another mental illness. Psychosomatic Disorders: Believed to be physical diseases that have a mental component derived from the stress and strain of everyday living. Psychosomatic medicine is…

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Importance of daily footsoak in Sahaja Yoga

Importance of daily footsoak in Sahaja Yoga At the sub-center that you visit, they will mention about a process that we follow – known by the name of foot-soaking. Foot Soaking Sit comfortably in a chair with your hands out on your lap – palms upwards, facing Shri Mataji’s photograph. Place your feet in a basin or bucket of luke warm water containing a handful of salt. Light a candle and keep it on Shree Mataji’s right (your left). Meditate for 10 to 15 minutes. You can say some affirmations…

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