आखिर यह योग है क्या? Article written by Sandhya Chaudhary | Sahaja Yogini दोस्तों आजकल योग का नाम बहुत सुनाई पड़ रहा है।हर छोटे-बड़े शहर में योगा क्लासेस चल रही है।आखिर यह योग है क्या?… योग का मतलब है जुड़ना….अपनी आत्मा से जुड़ना या आत्मा का परमात्मा से मिलन….जब ऐसा होता है उसको योग कहते हैं,और ऐसे व्यक्ति को योगी कहते हैं। लेकिन आजकल तो योग के नाम पर प्राणायाम करवाया जा रहा है,जो सरासर अनुचित है। पतंजलि ने क्या बताया वह किसी को पता नहीं और योग किए जा…
Read MoreDay: April 7, 2019
Open Up – Problem itself gives you a Solution!
🌸Open Up🌸 Article written by Sahaja Yogini Saumya Rai The ‘good’ part about having a Problem in your life is that over a period of time, the problem itself gives you a Solution. The ‘better’ part is that it helps you become someone you thought you could just dream of becoming. Now, some wise ones would reject this idea by saying ‘Problems are a myth. They are nothing but an unhealthy state of mind and we must never lead ourselves into believing that we are facing tough times.’ I deny…
LESSONS FROM HISTORY The history of revolutions throughout the world bear testimony to the fact that when your time is up, it’s up. When the Divine decides to intervene, where will you hide? where can you hide ? When your glittering towers come tumbling down, and all your amassed wealth can’t buy you protection from those whom you’ve exploited and from whom now you run. When the masses awake from their slumber, your days will be numbered, the sooner you realize the truth of that truth, giving a brake to…
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