Hi folks, this piece of information I received via email – interesting and has logic (according to me ie.) Read on:
Your Choice…
The divine message of the Guru Mandala (The Holy Siddhas) through
Avdhoot Baba Shivanand.
……. An important message for your ascension.
Many years ago there was an interview held for a radio officer to work on board ship. All
the hopeful candidates were sitting, waiting to be called in. Some were chatting, others
strolled around or read old magazines, wondering when their turn would come. Suddenly one man sat up, pulled out a paper and pencil from his pocket and jotted down something, then stood up and walked through the door into the inner office.
He came out five minutes later, and said, “You guys can go. I’ve got the job.”
The others surrounded him, demanding to know how and when he was called in.
“Simple,” he said, “The call came through in Morse Code. They were testing our
alertness as radio officers. I was the only one who paid attention to the signal.”
Your Wake-Up Call
This message is your signal, your wake-up call. Babaji, for the first time, openly talks about what the increasing natural calamities, doomsday prophecies and Divine Compassion mean. Read it, share it, and help as many people as you can to go towards the light. We will appreciate if you send at least 100 emails and courier 100 copies of this message to your dear ones for their benefit and ascension All the holy siddhas and masters love you; they all are very much concerned about your spiritual growth and happiness in life. From time to time they are giving guidelines,instructions and messages through Avdhoot Baba Shivanand ji. And Babaji is conveying these messages which he is receiving from the holy masters. This is the beginning of series of messages conveyed by the Guru Mandala for the benefit and ascension of mankind, as this is the very crucial period through which the humanity is going through.
With love and blessings from Babaji.
A few environmentalists who have done a lot of research met Babaji and sought his views regarding the ecological disturbances that are taking the planet Earth towards destruction. They also requested Babaji to throw some light on the truth in predictions made by eminent astrologers and environmentalists worldwide about some Indian cities including Chennai, Trivandrum and Mumbai being submerged in water in the near future.
Following are the Babaji’s comments when asked about frequent occurrence of natural disasters.
Babaji: Everyone today is talking about the ecological disturbances; it is good that the
people are increasingly becoming aware about the ecological balance but they still cannotperceive the real factors that control this delicate balance of nature. It is not the ecological disturbances we should worry about, rather we should be worried about the energy disturbance and the negative thoughts polluting the collective consciousness. Every thought creates energy; positive thoughts create positive energy and negative thoughts create negative energy. Negative energy is the root cause of destruction, sorrow, sufferings, natural calamities and man made disasters. Positive energy indicates peace, harmony, happiness and a wonderful planet and humanity.
Although the holy masters and higher energy beings are worried about the direction in which the human race is heading, they have not given up on their hope for humanity. All the ascended masters and their representing Gurus are working with a deadline towards the creation of positive energy fields. More the positive energy we create, more we can avoid these disasters. A clear example is of the time when an earthquake rocked whole of Gujarat, there were predictions that a more severe earthquake will strike Mumbai. We collectively meditated in Mumbai and performed yajnas, as a result the disaster was averted.
This was because we collectively generated more positive energy than the negative energy people were creating due to ignorance. This positive energy destroyed the dark clouds of grayish energy surrounding the Mumbai city and restored the delicate balance of energy.
A second example is of the earthquake that rocked North India, which was more intense than the one that devastated Gujarat and also lasted for a longer duration. This arthquake shook whole of North India but it could not shake the faith of the sadhaks who kept on blissfully performing their anushthan even when floor beneath them was violently shaking. It is because of all these sadhaks who were meditating deeply and were performing yajnas throughout the period of Navratras that Shiva saved us.
The third example is of Chennai. Recently a cyclone of 400 km diameter moving at a speed of 250 km/hour was about to hit the Chennai city. Everyone was sure that once this cyclone enters Chennai, the whole city will get uprooted. As the Divine wished, I was in Chennai on that very day and in the morning at 10:30 am we all sat for Sri Vidya meditation. After 3 hours of deep meditation, we received the information that thecyclone suddenly changed its course and started moving towards the Bay of Bengal and by the time it will reach Bengal its energy will be totally dissipated. Chennai city wassaved. This is the power of collective positive energy. There are many more such incidents where collectively we got the course of disaster changed.
What the masters perceive presently about the disasters and calamities which are likely to strike in future, can be changed if we start moving collectively on the path of truth. I further want to convey that we can collectively save the humanity and the human race from going into the clutches of destruction. The ascended masters are observing and guiding us constantly with a hope that we will save ourselves and this divine creation. Collectively we can – The Power is Their Within Each of Us. I can guide but you all have to join together to bring up the energy level.
Q. Every religion is talking about the ‘doomsday’ and in our religion also ‘Mahapralaya in Kalyuga‘ is mentioned. And the year 2012 is considered to be the doomsday – the day of judgement. Please elaborate on this.
December 21st in the year 2012 is the Ascension Day for the evolved human beings. It can be the doomsday for those who have not followed the path of truth.
Actually every human being has an individual consciousness. Planet earth also has its own consciousness which is very clear and pure. That’s why the whole Galaxy and the planet earth are ascending. Year 2012 is the transition period for planet earth when it will enter in the fourth dimension from the present position in the third dimension. Planet earth has been continuously ascending since late 1980’s and its vibrational frequency has been increasing ever since. In early 1990’s, it was vibrating at the frequency of 7 hertz resonance. By December 2012, it shall vibrate at the frequency of 16.8 hertz resonance. That means the vibrational frequency of Earth will become double. More vibrational frequency indicates more purity and the energy, i.e. earth heading towards higher dimension. So, this is the period when the our planet is going to ascend into the fourth dimension, becoming more pure, divine and full of love energy.
Now the question is what will happen to the human beings who are living in the third dimension? People are talking about saving planet earth, but it is not correct. It is because of our ego that we talk like this. Planet earth has its own consciousness and is already ascending to higher dimension. We should rather be talking about saving ourselves, about saving fellow human beings. All individuals have different consciousness levels and are still vibrating at much lower frequencies. More than 2/3 of our population is vibrating at below average frequency level. That’s the reason in every such human being only 3.5% DNA is active and rest of 96.5% DNA is totally inactive, indicating the ignorance level, spirituality level and the level of truth within us. Baba Gorakshnath, Buddha, Christ and all holy Siddhas had 100% active DNA and had a much higher vibrational frequency.
That’s why they were much more evolved beings. The low DNA activation influences thinking of mankind, making them think negatively thus generating negative energy. Collective generation of negative energy will take mankind towards disaster. As on today 2/3 rd of the population has to be saved from the destructive negative energy field of ego, greed, hatred, resentment, holding on to herd mentality and trying to create herd of people which can be dominated by individuals and so on.
The grace of the evolved beings can activate your DNA and erase your past accumulated karmas. Then you rise above all these negative qualities, your vibrational energy gets enhanced and the DNA activation starts. That’s why it is said that it cannot happen on its own. Divine light is needed to initiate this process and at every stage of growth and activation.
Therefore, if we also consciously make efforts to raise our energy levels and move towards higher spirituality, then we too can easily ascend to 4th dimension along with planet earth. But it can be the doomsday for those who are not growing spiritually. Hinduism, Christianity, Judaism, Zoroastrianism and Islam, all religions say that the doomsday is the day of Judgment for all those who are unfaithful to the Divinity. But in the Siddha philosophy it is mentioned, as I said earlier, that on this Day of Judgment those who follow the divine path will be saved by Shiva (Infinite) himself. This means that those who are on the path of purity will ascend to the fourth dimension during their living time, and from the year 2012 to 2028 all these living human beings will be totally submerged in the fourth dimension experiencing the higher level of spirituality powered with unconditional love, bliss and happiness. And those who are still vibrating at lower frequency level of third dimension in 2012, when the earth is entering into higher dimension are likely to perish in the natural and manmade calamities.
And when they are reborn, they will not come on this planet where we are living.
Instead they will go down to another planet which is vibrating at the lowest 3rd dimensional energy and they are likely to face the ‘Ghor Kaliyuga’ with more suffering, sorrow, pain, disease and ‘alp aayu’ as mentioned in the scriptures.
So let’s take the period from now up to the year 2012 as an opportunity to collectively work towards our ascension and also help all our near and dear ones to achieve the same. If we work collectively, we can take the whole humanity towards happiness, towards unconditional love and towards self realisation. Let’s be one divine ray of light of holy Siddhas and let us work for the divinity. Due to ignorance we might have worked for the Devil and might have been instrumental in making many people drift from the right path. But it’s never too late. Let us illuminate our lives and work to illuminate the lives of others.
Q. Babaji you always say that the second name of Shiva is unconditional love. And ‘Shiva’ is essential for our self realisation. But ‘Rudra’ is said to be the destroyer. How can the same supreme energy that is essential for the ultimate ascension can be responsible for destruction. Please explain.
Babaji: ‘Shiva’ is the Supreme Consciousness; it is the purest of the pure unconditional love, purest of the pure bliss, purest of the pure abundance and self fulfillment.
Every individual has its own consciousness and we all are the part of the Supreme Consciousness that is Shiva. When we attain self realisation, our individual consciousness merges with the Supreme Consciousness and we experience the self-real-I – The Shiva. But as the human being has its own consciousness he has the liberty to connect either with the darker or the divine consciousness.
When we connect ourselves to darker energies of the Universe, we start drifting awayfrom Supreme Consciousness and the more we drift; more negative energies, egocentric anger, resentment and greed energies surround us. And these energies further influence thoughts of the individuals and force them to think negatively. And these negative thoughts are of ego, greed, anger, resentment etc.
This is the beginning of cause and effect of theory of karma. As I mentioned earlier that the earth has its own consciousness and every particle on this planet is trying to head towards the ascension and so is the planet earth itself. And if a certain individual surrounds himself with negative energy, he starts moving into direction opposite to the direction of ascension where the earth is moving. Such individuals become heavier on the planet and that is the time when the Planet Earth prays to Shiva to relieve it of its burden.
And to balance that energy the calamities are created. But ‘Rudra’ lovingly gives them another chance and puts them on another planet which is lower than this planet Earth; but matching with the lower vibrational frequencies of those beings, so that shift appears in the shape of destruction. Whereas those who keep connecting themselves to the supreme consciousness, Shiva paves a path for them towards unfolding of the divine secrets by way of the ‘Guru’ – one who shows them the path of infinite dimension
till the time these individuals are not fully merged with supreme consciousness i.e. they attain self realisation and their individual consciousness rises to
supreme consciousness. So it’s not ‘Rudra’ but it is the human beings who either choose to ascend or choose to jump into the clutches of destruction and experience the ‘Ghor Kaliyug’ on the lower energy planet.
Let’s learn the secrets of ascension, secrets of truth. Let’s learn the secrets of Shiv Yog, the Union with the infinite.
We have been granted a grace period of under seven years to prepare ourselves. This is a message both of warning, and great hope.
There are many unfortunate souls who will never get the opportunity to read it.
There are some even more unfortunate ones who will read it, but like the bunch of unsuccessful radio officers, dismiss it as – noise.
Will you be among those who heed it? And take action?
Hopefully most of us will, and make it across.
For more information on DNA activation and raising your vibration level, and other
topics mentioned above, please contact:
Inner Strength Foundation
D 170, Sector 8, Dwarka,
New Delhi – 110075
Ph: 981106531, 30909026.
Web: www.shivyog.com
Email: info@shivyog.com