HEY MOR CHITTO – A Prophesy made by Rabindranath Tagore

HEY MOR CHITTO – A Prophesy made by Rabindranath Tagore

Rabindranath Tagore was a visionary. In one of his songs “Hey mor chitto” he has prophesized the coming of “The Mother on the shores of Bharat”. His description exactly matches the picture of what happened at Ganpatipule , where for a number of years H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi held International Seminars of Sahaja Yogis from late 1980s to early 2000s.

As said by Shri mataji herself at different occassions – excerpt from sahajayogamumbai.org

“I had a special purpose in coming to Ganapatipule, apart from that it was a very beautiful place and very relaxing for all of you. The reason is: I found this place had vibrations which will clear you out very easily. .

“This seminar, or whatever you may call it, Ganapatipule, I don’t know what you call is a Divine congregation of all the Gods and Goddesses, is very symbolic to Me, because this represents the whole world, it represents the problems of the whole world and also the solutions. It’s such a beautiful idea. I don’t know how it worked into My head that I started this kind of a beautiful congregation to meet you all.”

Here is the song in Bengali with its translation in English.


Hey mor chitto, punno tirthe jago-re dhire

eyi Bharoter moha-manober shagoro tee-re, jago-re dhire

Hethay daraye , hethay daraye doo-bahu bara-ye nemi noro debo-tare

udaro chhonde , paramanande bondono kori taa-re

dhyeno gombhiro eyi-je bhudharo nodi-jopo mala dhhrito prantoro

hethay nitto hairo pobitro dhori-tri-re

eyi Bharoter moha-manober shagoro tee-re, jago-re-dhire

Keho naahi jaane, keho naahi jaane kar ahobaane koto manusher dhaara

door baar strote elo kotha hote shomudre holo haara-koto manusher dhaara.

Hethay Aarjo, hethay aarjo, hetha Onarjo, hethay Drabido Chin

shoko-huno-dol paathano moghol ek dehe holo leen

poshchimo aaje khuliya chhe daar, shetha hote sho-be aane upohaar

dibe aar nibe milabe milibe, jaabe naa phire

eyi Bharoter moha-manober shagore tee-re, jaago-re-dhire

Esho hey Aarjo, esho hey Aarjo, esho Onarjo, Hidu-Mushalmaan

esho esho aaj tumi Ingraj , esho esho Khrishtaan- Hindu-Mushalmaan

esho Bhraamon, esho Bhraamon, shuchi kori mon, dhoro haat shobakaar

esho hai potito, hok oponito, shobo opomaan bhaar

Maa-r obhishekhe esho esho toraa

mongolo-ghaut hoy nije bhaura

shobaar poroshe pobitro-koraa tirtho nee-re

aaji Bharoter moha-manober shagoro tee-re, jaago-re-dhire.


Awaken my mind, gently awake

in this holy land of pilgrimage

on the shore of this vast sea of humanity

that is India.

Here I stand with both my arms outstretched

to hail man – divine in His own image

sing to His glory in notes glad and free,

and with eternal joy offer salutations to Him

where even the mountain, the river, the tranquil forest

all seem to be beading His rosary (offering Him praise)

where even the earth seems eternally holy

on the shores of that Bharat where the great souls are there, let my mind awake.

No one knows whence and at whose call

come pouring endless inundation of men

rushing madly along —

to lose themselves in the vast sea of humanity that is India.

Aryans and Non-Aryans, Dravidians and Chinese

Scythians,Huns, Pathans and Moghals

all are mixed, merged and lost in one body.

Now the door has opened to the West

and gifts in hand they beckon and they come —

they will give and take , meet and be together

none shall be turned away

from the shore of this vast sea of humanity that is India.

Come, O Aryans, Non-Aryans, Hindus and Mussalmaan,

O British and Christians , you too come,

Brahmins, purify your minds and come,

hold hands of each and every one.

O downtrodden ones, come and let your

load of humiliation be wiped off.

Make haste you all

for the propitious pitcher

is not yet filled with holy water

made auspicious by your touch —

for Holy Mother’s bath of coronation (abhishek)

today on the shores of vast sea of humanity that is India.


Listen to the song:

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