Is it mandatory to aspire for spiritual growth?

You have your relatives, friends and well wishers Who give you physical, mental and emotional support Your job, workplace, boss, colleagues Give you financial support and fetch you a respectable position in the society Of course, workplace also gives you both mental & emotional stability You are able to utilize your talents and skills for the betterment (of the quality of life) of self and others Now what about your spiritual support? Who supports the growth & development of your soul? Do you grow spiritually too? Yes, you do. Your…

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The Lockdown Boon – Every cloud has a silver lining!

The Lockdown Boon – Every cloud has a silver lining! On the 50th birth anniversary of Sahaja Yoga, we faced, along with the rest of the world of course, a complete lockdown situation worldwide.  Let’s see the beneficial points of it – Lakhs and lakhs spent on creating tents, toilets, food areas, meeting areas, puja areas came to an immediate halt. The money can be spent wisely – eg. in maintaining the existing Sahaja Yoga establishments – instead of depending on volunteers, proper recruitment with allotted work roles and monthly…

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Women and chums – Associated Myths and Superstitions

Women and chums Since time immemorial, women have been almost ‘outcasted’ during their chums (menstrual cycle/ monthly period). Initially, it was started to give some rest to the ladies during this delicate period – also it is quite painful for many women and, in fact, it can be quite harmful for her uterus if she indulges in heavy duty household chores. Now one may ask what I mean by ‘Heavy Duty’ household chores. You see earlier, we did not get packeted stuff – flour and spices had to be powdered…

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How I add friends on Facebook or other social networks?

How I add friends on Facebook or other social networks? I see the timeline of the friendship requester. Observe the type and kind of posts. Quickly see the kind of friends already added by the member (A man is known by the type of friends he keeps – remember?) I send friend requests to Sahaja Yogis – based on the number of mutual (Sahaja Yogi) friends. I expect the newly joined friend to go through my timeline – read what I have to say, like or share the post if…

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The Unknown Life Of Jesus Christ: Known as ‘Issa’ – Son of God

The life story of the most famous person who has ever lived is, in fact, filled with a mysterious gaping hole. From the age of 13 to 29 there is no Biblical, Western, or Middle Eastern record of Jesus’s whereabouts or activities in Palestine. Known as “The Lost Years,” this gaping hole remained a mystery until one explorer’s remarkable discovery in 1887. In the late 19th century a Russian doctor named Nicolas Notovitch traveled extensively throughout India, Tibet, and Afghanistan. He chronicled his experiences and discoveries in his 1894 book…

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