Several thousand souls await their salvation! Oh reader, if you are reading this – know for sure that among those thousand souls are your ancestors too – awaiting their deliverance! So what can you do? You can release them from their miserable condition You can relieve their despair that they have been suffering from since countless eons Yes, countless eons – humans have taken birth and got entangled in karmic debts – several karmic debts karmas that were good, bad, ugly, very ugly But you can help them out How?…
Read MoreCategory: My Poems
Our Masking Tendencies – A Poem
Our Masking Tendencies We often try to hide Hide our true selves Because since our childhood We are told to be good The goodness unfortunately Is defined by those very folks Who themselves are famous Of totally going off course! As confusion rises We face a life full of surprises We pretend that everything is fine And we put on a mask that smiles Hiding the truth is wrong Truth will reveal itself So it is better to face the truth And try to be strong! Give up your mask…
Read MoreRespect The Divine Elements
Respect The Divine Elements I am talking about the 5 elements Yea – you guessed it right Earth, Water, Fire, Air, Ether Mother Earth is so loving and caring She nourishes equally – the mango tree and the cactus too! She does not judge your attributes She accepts you the way you are Ever loving, caring & gentle…. But when there is imbalance She is the one who shakes up in disgust to cause Earthquakes…even Volcanoes Saluting the Jal Devta – Water Element! Life force – we thrive on water…
Read MoreThe Grotty Artist – Poem
The Grotty Artist There was a small town Simple people lived there When couple of witches and wizards Made their quiet entry They knew a lot about witchcraft Of black magic & tantric practices They knew how to trap dead spirits and make them possess living beings Gradually they started their operations Unknown to many in the vicinity They needed stuff for their black practices So they hired couple of poor people around And then they started their business Of Selling ‘Wine and Women’ Initially it was met with opposition…
Read MoreShri Lakshmna's devotees are still there in India!
There still are many Shri Lakshmnas…. The same Shri Lakshmna who drew the line of protection for Sita Mata Famously known as The Lakshmna Rekha Cut off the nose of Demon Princess Surpanakha (basically insulted her by not being enamoured by her charms) Showing that the decent, dignified women will be respected and protected And the indecent/ shameless ones will only meet with insult & rebuke It still happens ….even in Kaliyug And thus probably the present day demon princesses are busy teaching the girls To not have any sense…
Read MoreShri Lakshmna’s devotees are still there in India!
There still are many Shri Lakshmnas…. The same Shri Lakshmna who drew the line of protection for Sita Mata Famously known as The Lakshmna Rekha Cut off the nose of Demon Princess Surpanakha (basically insulted her by not being enamoured by her charms) Showing that the decent, dignified women will be respected and protected And the indecent/ shameless ones will only meet with insult & rebuke It still happens ….even in Kaliyug And thus probably the present day demon princesses are busy teaching the girls To not have any sense…
Read MoreWe, the Beheji Types of Women.
We, the Beheji Types of Women. Often we see this concept shown in films & Television Those decent, decorous ladies – who wear proper clothes Keep to themselves and do not behave coquettish-ly And are not very fashion conscious ….. are belittled And addressed to as ‘Behenji’ types!! So let me tell you something about the importance of the So called ‘Bahenji Type’ of girls/ ladies. It is because of our kinds of ladies That the world is still stable – Mind it. We are the ones who take the…
Read MoreThe Seed And Us – Similarities
Just like the seed needs the warmth and nourishment of Mother Earth (soil) to germinate, so do we need the blessings of a Sadhguru to evolve into our own higher state or get our self realization. Notice that the seed already has the elements required for it to germinate and grow into a plant or a tree. Not all seeds reach the soil. Even if they reach, they may be trampled over or uprooted. Some seeds are even boiled…to be consumed!
Read MoreWhat is the source of confidence of the BEEP personalities?
Why Are ‘Immoral Perverts’ So Full Of Confidence & Fearless Too? Because majority of World inhabitants literally worship ‘immorality’! We all (in India at least) know from Day-1 of our arrival on Planet Earth – About things that are morally wrong and to be avoided like plague! But ultimately we land up doing exactly all that is morally wrong & depraved! Why? Because those who have made money by using ‘immoral means’ Pay the media to advertise their ‘Immoral’ ways and means Make their females dance to their tunes wearing…well,…
Read MoreBeep Images On My Timeline – Forgive the Immoral!
Apologies Folks! As we know, It takes all sorts to make this world This world is made of several billion combinations and permutations of genes..(karmas?) Not everyone is fortunate enough to be born to good parents and clean environment Some are born in pervert conditions – they are depraved by default! Whether it is their Karma that they are born to corrupt & immoral families Or our karma that we have to mandatorily co-exist with such entities… Is not to be discussed…rather not be discussed!! I am just writing this…
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