Lord Vishnu and His ways – A childhood memory!

Lord Vishnu and His ways – A childhood memory! Many of us remember how Amar Chitra Kathas and Jataka Tales or Aesop’s fables formed an integral part of our lives! Way back in the 1970’s, we just had 1 TV channel – Doordarshan and all that I waited for was Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays for Chitrahaar, Chitrahaar and movie respectively! So what did we do in the rest of the days? Yeah – somehow finish homework and mug up tables and poems….and read comics!! I was much younger maybe around…

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The kind of Durga Pujas that I thoroughly enjoyed @ Hasimara!

The kind of Durga Pujas that I thoroughly enjoyed ….especially Hasimara! I was born in Chandigarh (1970) and then my father (Army Officer, Doctor) got transferred to Delhi, after Delhi, we went to Dehra Dun and in 1980, father got transferred to Hasimara (a small place near Siliguri (North Bengal). Being part of West Bengal, it was here for the first time that we witnessed Durga Pujas with a whole lot and pomp and show! In Delhi or in Dehra Dun all we did was visit a pandal somewhere far,…

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Enid Blyton

Enid Mary Blyton (August 11, 1897–November 28, 1968) was a British children’s author. She is noted for numerous series of books based on recurring characters and designed for different age groups. Her books have enjoyed popular success in many parts of the world, and have exceeded sales of 400 million. In 2006, Blyton was the fifth most popular author in the world, according to the Index Translationum, measured by the volume, over 3300, of translations of her works, after Lenin but ahead of Barbara Cartland. British writer who published over…

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Mickey & Minnie

                                                Madam Mim, Chip and Dale, Donald Duck,Mickey mouse,Minnie….gosh! my childhood revolves around them !!Anyways, whatever they show as cartoons and animations…they show the same in film and serials..the only difference is Animators get paid in the former and actors get paid in the latter. Animators getting paid is  better…Amen!

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Donald Duck

                                                Donald is an anthropomorphic white duck with a yellow-orange bill, legs, and feet. He typically wears a sailor suit with a cap and a black or red bow tie. Donald’s most famous personality trait is his easily provoked and explosive temper. Along with his friend Mickey Mouse, Donald is one of the most popular Disney characters and was included in TV Guide’s list of the 50…

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Dennis the Menace

  Dennis the Menace is a daily syndicated newspaper comic strip originally created, written and illustrated by Hank Ketcham. The inspiration for the comic strip came from Dennis Ketcham, the real life son of Hank Ketcham, who was only four years old when he refused to take a nap and somehow messed up his whole room. Hank tried many possible names for the character, and translated them into rough pencil sketches. But when his studio door flew open and his then-wife Alice, in utter exasperation, exclaimed, “Your son is a…

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Dagwood’s upper-crust parents strongly disapprove of his marrying beneath his class, and disinherit him. The check Dagwood uses to pay for his honeymoon bounces, and the Bumsteads are forced to become a middle-class suburban family.   Blondie’s marriage marked the beginning of a change in her personality. From that point forward, she gradually assumed her position as the sensible head of the Bumstead household. And Dagwood, who previously had been cast in the role of straight man to Blondie’s comic antics, took over as the comic strip’s clown. Comments: Its…

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Archie Comics is an American comic book publisher known for its many series featuring the fictional teenagers Archie Andrews , Betty Cooper , Veronica Lodge , Reggie Mantle and Jughead Jones . The characters were created by publisher/editor John L. Goldwater , written by Vic Bloom and drawn by Bob Montana . They were based in part on people met by Goldwater “in the Midwest” during his travels throughout the United States while looking for jobs and places to stay.  My Comments: If you all keenly observe movies and serials,…

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  The green monster that you can see in the picture is Rasputin. The Boney-M song “Ra-ra rasputin – lover of the Russian Queen” must be connected in some way or the other to this story. I do not quite know this story …so cannot really compare it with my life !!   Anyone who knows about this story well may please reply to me.  

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