Top 10 Reasons – Why has the Indian Government banned Porn Sites? For the very basic and archaic reasons which are as follows: A human being is hired for doing ‘dirty things’ on screen for the whole world to see. This concept itself is very wrong. Such humans lose all sense of shame and respect. Having lost the sense of shame & respect, they tend to become anti-social dare-devils and start bending rules according to their own sweet will. Since they make enough (more than enough…surplus) money by doing ‘private…
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English vinglish – Cannot speak English? Be humiliated in India!
How humiliating it is in India to not know to speak in English! Cannot speak English? Be humiliated in India! Film Review – English Vinglish. A mother of a teenage daughter (played by Sridevi) cannot speak English well. Her daughter hates to take her to school because her friend’s mother can speak good English! She is reluctant to take her mother to school in parents-teachers meet lest her friends and teachers will come to know that she cannot speak good English …so basically is a ganwar (illiterate) female the daughter…
Read MoreSuch a mockery in the name of religion!!
Lajja – modesty, shyness & a sense of shame What a mockery in the name of religion that we, the people, indulge in! And then we wonder why on earth do we suffer!? Come Pujas – soon we will see the (some) females loitering & pandal hopping wearing fashionable backless cholis introduced to them by the fashion world. Those who follow fashion so blindly should not waste their time in Puja Pandals…..they basically invite the Mother’s wrath. FYI! To the Common Women – Try not to wear such attires especially…
Read MoreHarness the potential power of your mind.
How To Harness the potential power of your mind. “Why must I meditate in order to achieve enlightenment?” demanded the prince of his teacher. “I can study. I can pray. I can think on issues clearly. Why this silly emptying of the mind?” “I will show you,” said the teacher, taking a bucket of water into the garden under the full moon. “Now I stir the surface and what do you see?” “Ribbons of light,” answered the prince. “Now wait,” said the teacher setting the bucket down. Both teacher and boy…
Read MoreLGTB – boon in disguise?
May be the biggest boon in disguise for our world today! No Child birth….no abortions, no child abuse, no sadness…no sins! We all will live peacefully ever after – till ‘Life’ remains on earth i.e. In fact these people seem more intelligent – they have understood that No Government – anywhere in this world can stop atrocities towards children. Even if all is well at the home front – the child may get abused in the school, if not school, by the peers or seniors, if not them then maybe…
Read MoreAaina-1977 – The Mirror – Film Review
Aaina-1977 – The Mirror – Film Review Story of a family with many children. Father is a small time purohit and barely manages to make both ends meet. But poverty does not stop him from copulating! He used to read Sanskrit stanzas from religious scriptures but probably no scripture mentioned it explicitly that if a child is born to you, it is your responsibility to feed, nourish and educate the child. This is in fact one of the major reasons why ‘marriage’ is considered as the most important social duty…
Read MoreMyth – Poverty leads a woman towards whoredom!
Myth – Women take to ‘cheap, derogatory, sassy, skin-exposing ’ profession due to poverty. Since our childhood, from the films we understood (or made to understand), that a female takes to ‘*cheap’ jobs because of dire poverty. Other reasons shown were: Some family member or relative or lover is held captive by the villain. (Eg. Jab tak hai jaan, jaanejahan, mai nachungi (lover captive)| Babul Pyaare (father captive) The female has to earn for the rest of the family members that may include 12-20 brothers and sisters – like parents…
Read MoreAssets & Property @ Sports people vs. Entertainment people
Assets & Property @ Sports people vs. Entertainment people Look at the collage that shows the property & assets of celebs – from sports and entertainment world. What can be inferred? School Teachers should be hired from the fashion world who will teach the girls all the ‘whorish’ nuances and dressing sense so that they can all lead a hot and fashionable happening life surrounded with riches and luxuries. The teachers hired from the Fashion world will obviously be paid more (triple the amount) than the regular subject teachers because…
Read MoreAssets & Property @ Sports people vs. Entertainment people
Assets & Property @ Sports people vs. Entertainment people Look at the collage that shows the property & assets of celebs – from sports and entertainment world. What can be inferred? School Teachers should be hired from the fashion world who will teach the girls all the ‘whorish’ nuances and dressing sense so that they can all lead a hot and fashionable happening life surrounded with riches and luxuries. The teachers hired from the Fashion world will obviously be paid more (triple the amount) than the regular subject teachers because…
Read MoreDown With Myths – English Language Myths
Down With Myths – English Language Myths People who can speak English have a strong personality. There are TV advts. that show things like the moment a person starts speaking English, he’ll start getting a lot of attention …from esp. the opposite sex!..and he’ll be counted among those who possess a strong personality. It is alright to know an additional language – helps in Professional life – no doubt – but the fact that you attain a strong personality just by being able to converse in English is a total…
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