Mr. Gana Shah – The Vice Chancellor – Episode 1

Mr. Gana Shah – The Vice Chancellor The ‘Shiny Seven Wheels School’ was not known to many but was the best in the world, rather in the Universe! As and when people came to know about its greatness, thousands tried to get an entry into it but hardly 1 or 2 passed to reach till the seventh grade. Maximum could not even cross over the 1st grade and people wondered why! Soon it became more and more famous! As people heard about it, they all thought it to be rather…

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Why do we need a Master?- A Short Story

Why do we need a Master? Once upon a time, a cow went out to graze in the jungle. Suddenly, she noticed a tiger racing towards her. She turned and fled, fearing that at any moment the tiger would sink his claws into her. The cow desperately looked for some place to escape and at last saw a shallow pond. Barely evading the tiger’s reach, she jumped into the pond, and in the heat of the chase, the tiger blindly leaped after her. To the surprise of them both, the…

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A Backfired Resignation – Short story

A Backfired Resignation Asim was one of the best performers in Company A. A topper throughout in school and college, he topped in his performance at office too! A dedicated, responsible and intelligent employee – the company’s asset. When he put in his resignation, his reporting head got a bolt from the blue. He immediately asked the HR Dept. (Human Resource) to retain him by hook or by crook! After hours of discussions, Asim agreed to continue working for Company A since he was immediately offered a 70% hike in…

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The Testing Ways of Lord Shri Krishna

The Test of Arjuna’s faith and devotion You must be well aware of the incident when both Duruyodhana and Arjuna went to ask Shri Krishna for helping in the Battle of Kurukshetra. Since Shri Krishna was the maternal uncle to both, so he could not disappoint any one. He thus gave them the option to choose either Him or His army – so that He could make them both happy. Plus He added one more clause – the fact that he will not use any weapon in the battlefield –…

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Matru had the last laugh! – A short Story on Porn.

Matru had the last laugh! Matru was a mediocre performer throughout his life. He was often punished at school for cheating and creating unnecessary ruckus. He was also suspended from college for eve-teasing and had to drop college studies since he was not even good in academics! Somehow his father got him a small time accountant’s job at his friend’s office. Matru’s professional life started and he began working…reluctantly though! He had big dreams – of having big cars and big bungalows and going for vacations at least thrice a…

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Story of the born-porn family.

Story of the born-porn family. Dullo fell in love with Bikishe when he first saw her doing the pole mounting strip-tease dance! He was totally enamoured by her sense of balance! Dullo was only 24 and Bikishe was 36 and had a huge clientele base. When Dullo approached her, she turned him down for obvious reasons – she could not seal her ‘pornography’ career by marrying some poor loser like Dullo. She continued turning him down for 6 long years. But without fail Dullo used to visit Bikishe’s dance bar…

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Story of the Independent woman

Story of the Independent woman So she got this job at a construction unit. Everyone marvelled at her. She is an independent woman. She spends her own money. Does not depend on anyone. She goes home in the evening. Cooks for her 3 brothers and 4 sisters. Mother is expecting the 9th baby actually, so she is resting a bit. Mother is very proud of her independent daughter – she works… Like the women in big-big cities! Father comes home drunk. He needs money for gambling so that he can…

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Why did I stop writing Short Stories? – Saavdhan India is the reason!

I am often asked this question – when is my next release (of Kalyug Briefs) coming (by people who know me very very closely ie.) FAQ: (Frequently Asked Question) Why did I stop writing short stories? I stopped writing short stories because I do not think my stories can have the same level of mystery, drama, scandal, amazement etc. that real life episodes …taking place in India, has! Compared to these scandalous real life stories, my fictional short stories are like plain water – absolutely tasteless .. barely managing to…

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The Turning Point – A Short Story

The Turning Point “Ofcourse not! Never will I send my son to a hostel – I mean… come on ! he is just 6 years old – he needs love from both his parents – you know I have often seen that boys who grow up in a Hostel turn out to be very dry personalities – they have greater tendencies of becoming a gay… no love or lack of ‘love’ from a feminine aspect does make a man dry and egoistic, a cynical personality – whereas when a child…

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Case Dismissed- On Marital Rape – A Short Story

Case Dismissed- On Marital Rape Ankita Irani was an ace Advocate. She was known for her truthful, straightforward and blunt replies. It was taken for granted that if she takes up a case – she will Win ! Although an eye sore to the Criminal World but the awe that she carried was too much to defy. She had one motto though – Fight for the truth and only the truth. Her secretary, Susmita, a Junior Trainee Advocate, came to her with a request….and she was very sure that Ankita…

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