Tantrically Yours – A Short Love Story

Abha took an instant liking for Dinesh. He was new in the neighborhood and was a final year Engineering student. Abha tried everything under the sun to draw his attention towards her – but failed all the times!  After having used all the tricks as shown in movies and heard in real life … like changing the dressing style, makeup, hairdo according to the latest item Girl ruling the charts – etc. all to allure Dinesh – when everything failed – she eventually followed what her mother had been asking…

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Tobin Crook – A Short Story

  Suresh was born in a slum area. His mother was a maid servant and father, a junior carpenter in a local furniture shop. One day during a political campaign, the slum area children were shown a film for free. Suresh had never seen a film on such a big screen and he considered that incident to be the happiest moment of his life. The hero of the film was basically playing the role of Robinhood – the fairy tale character who used to rob the rich and distribute the…

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The White Sorceress

  Mili was eight years old. She was having a lot of problems – she used to ‘sleep walk’, every once a month she used to suffer from high fever and her performance in School was below average. She had failed in Class 2 and had to repeat one year in the same class. Her parents had been to every Doctor in town that they knew of – from Child Psychiatrist to Neuro Surgeons to Homeopathy – nothing worked on her – just nothing ! Her Mother Mrs. Nath got…

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Fury of the lost souls

  They were all standing in a queue. Waiting. Getting bored. Often they could see a large door open – full of bright lights and beautiful smell ….and get closed just as quickly. Very few souls were getting their entry in that brightly lit palace. Suddenly it vanished and there was only darkness. The mentor came in. Mentor: Okay souls – we have got news ! A new field will be given to you and you all will start the game from a scratch ! Souls: What?! What game? And…

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The Training Schedules of : Amarjeet and Veer.

  Amarjeet got through the tough entrance exam and joined the Security Forces, a Government undertaking Organization. His father, who was a Sanskrit Teacher, was the happiest as he always wanted to see his son in crisp uniform following a strict disciplined life. His mother’s effort to feed him the best of health food did pay off – as he got through the tough entrance exam – both physical and written. Once he joined the Security forces, his every minute was regularized. He woke up in the morning, sharp at…

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SOS- Hari Sadu

Preeti  had shifted to US with her husband after her marriage. She had been running a Computer Education Institute back in India and did not want to close it down as it was her father’s gift to her. She appointed a Manager and hoped that she will keep alive her father’s dream by keeping alive the Institute he had developed with much love, care and dedication. Vinit, her husband, was a leading Entrepreneur and was rather supportive of her. In spite of knowing that its very difficult to run a…

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Punishment Posting

Raghuveer Malhotra was a very successful Industrialist. At the mere age of 49 he had built up an entire empire of his own- on his own from a scratch ! He had just been to an Interview with the Doordarshan and was driving back home – he loved driving his own car ….. and the one he was driving right now had recently been imported from UK … had been Tailor  made for him. He was busy admiring his new car and was adjusting the music volume and mixing the…

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