Mr. Gana Shah – The Vice Chancellor – Episode 1

Mr. Gana Shah – The Vice Chancellor The ‘Shiny Seven Wheels School’ was not known to many but was the best in the world, rather in the Universe! As and when people came to know about its greatness, thousands tried to get an entry into it but hardly 1 or 2 passed to reach till the seventh grade. Maximum could not even cross over the 1st grade and people wondered why! Soon it became more and more famous! As people heard about it, they all thought it to be rather…

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The Unknown Life Of Jesus Christ: Known as ‘Issa’ – Son of God

The life story of the most famous person who has ever lived is, in fact, filled with a mysterious gaping hole. From the age of 13 to 29 there is no Biblical, Western, or Middle Eastern record of Jesus’s whereabouts or activities in Palestine. Known as “The Lost Years,” this gaping hole remained a mystery until one explorer’s remarkable discovery in 1887. In the late 19th century a Russian doctor named Nicolas Notovitch traveled extensively throughout India, Tibet, and Afghanistan. He chronicled his experiences and discoveries in his 1894 book…

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7 Days of the week corresponding to our 7 chakras and their attributes

7 Days of the week corresponding to our 7 chakras and their attributes Tuesday :: be innocent, be wise, surrender to divine Wednesday :: be creative, express pure knowledge Thursday :: be at peace, be satisfied, be generous, be a seeker of truth, cross over illusions Friday :: be loving, love all, be compassionate, love unconditionally Saturday :: unite, team-up, communicate goodness & truth Sunday :: forgive all, forgive yourself – even your ancestors Monday :: be enlightened, illumined, self-realized!

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Don’t mess up with the CEO of the Universe

Don’t mess up with the CEO of the Universe! Really you don’t have to sympathise with the life story or role-play of the Divine Incarnations! They are ‘Avataars’ who take birth only to augment social evolution. And they take up a role according to the ‘knowledge/ wisdom/ lifestyle/ beliefs’ level of the region/ area where they decide to incarnate on planet Earth. ~Why they did certain things? ~Who did they do it for? ~Did they do it right? ~Should they have done it? What knowledge do you yourself have of…

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Arise, Awake – Do not let falsehood rule over you!

Beware of those ‘supposedly’ spiritual Gurus – – esp. those who claim to take you closer to God or recommend your name and deeds (misdeeds included) to God and ask for forgiveness on your behalf so that you will not have to face the brunt of your Karmas! Beware of those Gurus who treat the following human attributes with kid gloves : (treating with Kid Gloves: : to be very polite or kind to someone because you do not want to make them angry or upset.)  Licentious natures Debauchery Alcoholism…

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FAQ’s On Kundalini Shakti Awakening

FAQ’s On Kundalini Shakti Awakening Often while interacting with bit elderly people –esp. those who are well read and very knowledgeable too – I often find myself struggling to make them understand the ease with with Kundalini Shakti awakens and rises among Sahaja Yoga Practitioners! Most of those well-read individuals – both men and women – start narrating like a rattu-tota (trained-parrot) that Kundalini Shakti awakening is most difficult, most dangerous, very slow, may take more than 100 lives – not years but lives – to awaken etc. ! Here…

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Bhavani Ashtakam – In sanskrit with meaning

Bhavani Ashtakam – In sanskrit with meaning न तातो न माता न बन्धुर्न दाता न पुत्रो न पुत्री न भृत्यो न भर्ता । न जाया न विद्या न वृत्तिर्ममैव गतिस्त्वं गतिस्त्वं त्वमेका भवानि ॥१॥ Na Taato Na Maataa Na Bandhur-Na Daataa Na Putro Na Putrii Na Bhrtyo Na Bhartaa | Na Jaayaa Na Vidyaa Na Vrttir-Mama-Iva Gatis-Tvam Gatis-Tvam Tvam-Ekaa Bhavaani ||1|| Meaning: 1.1: Neither the Father, nor the Mother; Neither the Relation and Friend, nor the Donor, 1.2: Neither the Son, nor the Daughter; Neither the Servant, nor the Husband,…

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Who is taking care of your spirit?

Who is taking care of your spirit? You have a body that you take care of with proper diet, exercise etc. You have a mind that is the repository of your thoughts, knowledge and experiences that you have been collecting all your life. Based on your experiences, you make decisions or form opinions. If you are optimistic, you engage in positive thoughts & ideals…and if you are a pessimist, you probably wallow in self pity and think negative all the time. You have an emotional self too that depends upon…

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WHO ARE THESE TANTRIKAS? Tantrikas belong to Satan’s tribe and can be born as despots, psychologists or as great scientists. They entice thousands of people through their lectures, and even induce nations to wage wars against other countries founded on a moral or spiritual religious base. In these modern times there are many such personalities who have incarnated in India and the West. They are enticing and hypnotising gullible human beings, and misusing their so-called spiritual powers for the accumulation of wealth and sexual satisfaction. Like sadists they master and…

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Narayani Sena – Destined for worse than the worst luck!!

Narayani Sena – Destined for worse than the worst luck!! A very famous episode of Mahabharata – While Shri Krishna was asleep in his palace, Duruyodhana came & waited for him to wake up (at least the fool had this much courtesy to wait for the lord to awaken!). He stood by his head. Soon Arjuna came in too – a little later and stood beside Lord’s feet. When Shri Krishna opened hi eyes, he saw Arjuna first him & asked him why he had come. Immediately Duruyodhana prompted that…

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