What Love taught me!

What Love taught me! Hi Folks, I am talking about the love locha that actually occurred to me in my life! I will obviously not narrate the entire story here – so just read my Love Story given in my blog. So to summarize – I logically counseled myself into love with a God-man (who used to get possessed by Mother Kali on Tuesdays and Saturdays – much like Shri Ramakrishna) and thought that since he has found God, I will too soon find God if I just cling to…

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King Customer can be so dumb sometimes!

King Customer can be so dumb sometimes! Hi Readers, This is a real life incident. I was working in Positive Electronics Ltd. that assembled Salora Television. This was way back in 1994. The era of black and white TV was still on….it still is in India at least. So I was PRO (Public Relation Officer) and my job responsibility was to take down complaints and send the TV mechanics to set it right. I had to fill a form were the name, address, model no. of the TV, whether colored…

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