The Priest and the Pariah It was time for both of them To depart from their respective bodies The Messenger of death had arrived Both of them followed him silently They reached a juncture… Two paths – Uphill and downhill The messenger gestured the downhill path to the priest It was clear that it led to a sort of ‘demotion’ in the life-cycle of the soul! ‘Excuse Me’ – said the Priest… ‘You must be mistaking Sir ….like I am the priest – I guess I will be following you…
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Abortion – a Sin?
Abortion – a Sin? It was late at night She was returning home from office The Office vehicle broke down Since her home was quite near So she decided to walk it Unfortunately some thugs were around Before she knew – she got raped After two months she came to know That she had accidentally conceived during The traumatic incident She went to the clinic to put an end To a life that was unwanted, Who would be a social stigma Who would not know his/her father’s name Who was…
Read MoreDrive Away The Parasite
Drive Away The Parasite He was sitting alone in the corner Unconfident, vulnerable You extended your hand of friendship You became friends A Revelation came your way…. You came to know of his dark past & present He was not a good fellow after all He was a drug addict, achoholic Womaniser, pimp, thief, drug peddlar… It was his way to rope in good people by appearing innocent and gullible Warnings….. Your well wishers warned you Of the consequences – ‘Unfriend him dude’ they said A man is…
Read MoreIt Does Not Stop At Love Making
It Does Not Stop At Love Making Your presence On this Earth Is a result of years of supply of Love, warmth, tenderness From your mother’s side Love, toil, protection From your father’s side Fondness, affection, care From your siblings & other relatives How then suddenly.. When you grow up – you decide Who to select or deselect? Ok, you faced some rough patches… Bitter experiences – betrayal from friends Disloyalty from lover… So? That was enough to discard life? And lose yourself into oblivion? To move on …in order…
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