Kudos to the Bihar Warriors, Indian Army.

Kudos to the Bihar Warriors, Indian Army. Hi folks, If you have been following my write-ups closely, you will certainly know about my feelings regarding Indian Army! Yup, I loved my Army upbringing…still love it! In fact if I am to segregate my life in the caterpillar-cocoon-butterfly phases – then I would say that the first 18 years of my caterpillar life was spent in the Army feeding on the lushious greenery (Indian Army is all green you see)! And …well right now, I still am in my cocoon –…

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Punjab has a very special significance in my life!

Punjab has a very special significance in my life! Hi Folks, In this post I am going to relate some observations that I made on my own life. The significance of Punjab in my life! I was born in Chandigarh, Punjab. I was born on the 5th of October – which strangely coincided with Panchami of Durga Puja festival. Panchami or the 5th day is calculated according to the Bengali (or Hindi) calendar and does not necessarily fall on the 5th of English calendar – like Panchami can fall on…

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Forgive thy neighbors – People judge others by their standards after all!

Forgive thy neighbors – People judge others by their standards after all! Folks before you read this article, you may have to read a bit about my ‘Unique Platonic Love Story’ …and the things that happened as a repercussion! So when family members and relatives heard about my decision to marry and settle down with the priest – the devotee of Maa Kali who used to get possessed every Tuesdays and Saturdays – the one I thought of as the re-incarnation of Shri Ramakrishna – because the same had been…

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I was after Kundalini Awakening ever since I read Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda

I was after Kundalini Awakening ever since I read Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda In my previous post you must have read about my initiation into the world of spirituality – thanks to Linda Goodman Star Signs! Now folks – after having read CWSV, it was time for me to extract the gist from the complete works…. and yes for this I must thank both my English and Hindi literature and language teachers at Kendriya Vidyalaya! Somewhere Swamiji had mentioned that – whoever has achieved anything that is great and…

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Linda Goodman Star signs – My initiator into the world of esoteric mysteries!

Linda Goodman Star signs – My initiator into the world of esoteric mysteries! I remember having stumbled upon Linda Goodman star Signs (LGSS hereinafter) way back in 1989 when I was in Kolkata and had been staying with my local guardians in Bright street (quite near Modern High School for girls). I had always been a great fan of her books – Sun signs being the very favourite among us teenagers since school time! The best way to start a conversation in fact – during get-togethers or birthday parties –…

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I was lucky to have a great Sahaja mentor!

I was lucky to have a great Sahaja mentor – Monica Aunty! Hi readers, I have already related the ‘greatest day’ of my life when I met Priyanka Guha (her maiden name) at Arena Multimedia Kankurgachi and she told me about ‘Sahaja Yoga’! She gave me a pamphlet where addresses of Sahaja Yoga centers in and around Kolkata was given. I saw an address of Mr. Shubhopati Sanyal and I visited his house along with my sister. As far as I can remember – it was a Sunday in the…

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From Dumb Boss to Clever Boss – The transition.

Often those bosses who are nice, kind and gentle are thought of as dumb and foolish – by those very people who work under them. Maybe deep inside the human psyche, it has gotten deeply etched that Bosses should be (are) tyrannical brutes who will kick the butt (of employee) at the slightest pretext! In my personal life I have observed this pretty closely. For example the maids who come to wash utensils and clean etc. they were paid by us on the very first day of the month. We…

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FAQs on my Love Story

FAQs on my Love Story I am really tired of answering the same clichéd questions people ask me regarding my love story! Why can’t people understand a simple love story is beyond me. And then their next question is invariably ‘ Why I did not get married?’. So folks, before you get more inquisitive about my mortal level love story – here is it for you all! FAQs When did you fall in love and with whom? I fell in love in around November – December 1992. I fell in…

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Advertising Mind Block – Negligibly dressed female will make the sale!

Advertising Mind Block – Negligibly dressed female will make the sale! I am writing about a  personal experience. I was a career Advisor in Arena Multimedia. The management decided to make a short Advt. film to be shown on local cables and Metro stations –to increase the awareness regarding career opportunities of the Multimedia sector , IT Industry. So a small time advertising company was hired to shoot a film – showing the Institute, the students and other available facilities. The guys came in with cameras and tri-pods and mikes…

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My Love His-story!

I too have a Love story….  I shifted to hostel (Lady Brabourne, Kolkata) in September1988. Made many friends. Our favorite topic of discussion was – of course – ‘how would our husbands be?’. Will we have a love marriage or get tied down with some bloke our parents will choose for us ! Some girls already had boy friends, some made after coming to college/hostel and we all heard real life love stories in various permutations and combinations. Frankly speaking the ‘real life’ incidents I heard were not at all…

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