Down With Myths – Fair Complexion Myths

Down With Myths – Fair Complexion Myth Myth:: People with FAIR Complexion have a strong personality. There are TV advts. lasting for more than 20 mins filling the minds of the youth with utter crap such as ‘ Fair complexion guarantees you a happier & brighter future plus a stronger personality who will always succeed!’ The above is a total myth. Do you really think that countries where children are born fair are all very happy & bright with strong personalities? Then what about the success reached by dark complexioned…

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Result of teenage love & pregnancy…and live-ins.

Here is an example of Eminem – his disturbed childhood because of supposedly advanced FREE Society! Eminem spent much of his youth in a lower-middle-class, primarily African-American Detroit neighborhood. He and Debbie (his mother) were one of three white households on their block, and Eminem was beaten by African-American youths several times. Debbie was 14 when she met 18-year-old Bruce (Eminem’s father) at age 17, she nearly died during her 73-hour labor. Note: Teenage love & pregnancy! Father left the family & moved to California. As a teenager, Eminem wrote…

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Result of teenage love & pregnancy…and live-ins.

Here is an example of Eminem – his disturbed childhood because of supposedly advanced FREE Society! Eminem spent much of his youth in a lower-middle-class, primarily African-American Detroit neighborhood. He and Debbie (his mother) were one of three white households on their block, and Eminem was beaten by African-American youths several times. Debbie was 14 when she met 18-year-old Bruce (Eminem’s father) at age 17, she nearly died during her 73-hour labor. Note: Teenage love & pregnancy! Father left the family & moved to California. As a teenager, Eminem wrote…

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Good news for the highly libidinous citizens of our nation!

Living-ins now acceptable in society, rules Supreme Court Wow! Good news for the adventurous & highly libidinous citizens of our nation. Now they (both males and females) will happily ‘hump’ each other and then readily kick each other’s ‘butt’ when they find a better (more libidinous) partner to spend their life…time with! FAQs And what if she conceives? There are several clinics that boldly carry ‘illegal’ abortions – she can approach there. What if it is too late for abortion & she has to deliver the unwanted child? The poor…

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Draupadi – Born of Fire – To scorch the inhabitants of the era.

Draupadi – Born of Fire To scorch the inhabitants of the era. Often I have heard things from – esp. Game Girls – the fact that queen Draupadi was wife to 5 husbands – like she had multiple life-partners …so where is the harm if they too enjoy life with multiple partners? This is a subtle reminder of what else did Draupadi go through..apart from having 5 men to herself : Public humiliation – the fact that she was pulled by her hair all the way to the courtroom itself…

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Shuddh Desi Romance – a review

The film in discussion here:: Hindi film – Shuddh Desi Romance Honestly folks, I sincerely hope that this film never gets dubbed in any other foreign language – it is too embarrassing for Indians that such an utterly disgraceful concept has been addressed as shuddh (pure), desi (national) romance!! They could have named it Basti or slum dweller romance..maybe then it would have been acceptable! Know the story line given in the picture – shows a shameless female in live-in relationship with just anyone…or everyone – whoever catches her fancy!…

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Meher should also be introduced in Hindu Vivahs!

At least for the lower (BPL), lower middle class & middle class family women this ‘Meher’ system should definitely be adopted. Often is has been seen that husbands leave their wives for reasons like: Some other woman Escaping responsibilities – wear a saffron robe with a red spot on forehead and gallivant around! Spend money on more enjoyable things (as understood by world around) like boozing and womanising etc. Such males happily impregnate their wives – some 3-6 times and when responsibilities grow – ie. getting food on the plates…

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Arrival of The Next Divine  Incarnation

Folks, Are you really ready for HIS arrival? If you remember well, His arrival puts an end to all that is evil Corrupt, debase, immoral – to name a few. For example – Look at Shri Krishna from the point of view of the Kauravas The entire Kuru Battalion along with all their supporters Several other kingdoms were all annihilated in the ‘Kurukshetra war’ Let us focus a bit on the life styles of the kings and their subjects… Of those who got killed in the war….who lost the war….

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Story of the Independent woman

Story of the Independent woman So she got this job at a construction unit. Everyone marvelled at her. She is an independent woman. She spends her own money. Does not depend on anyone. She goes home in the evening. Cooks for her 3 brothers and 4 sisters. Mother is expecting the 9th baby actually, so she is resting a bit. Mother is very proud of her independent daughter – she works… Like the women in big-big cities! Father comes home drunk. He needs money for gambling so that he can…

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Recruiting Game Girls Is Risky For The Overall Growth Of Any Organization

Recruiting Game Girls Is Risky For The Overall Growth Of Any Organization Imagine a scenario where you are working your a** off – sacrificing a good, healthy and happy family life just so that your office work is done on time and efficiently…but when it came to promotions and appraisals, you see yourself below the ‘employee’ who hardly puts in any quality labour in the growth of the Organisation! This is a very common happening in many organisations that goes unheard or unseen by the main boss or CEO! Often…

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