Liver Treatment – Through Sahaja Yoga

About The All Important organ – Liver: The largest solid organ in the body, situated in the upper part of the abdomen on the right side. The liver has a multitude of important and complex functions, including to manufacture proteins, including albumin (to help maintain the volume of blood) and blood clotting factors; to synthesize, store, and process fats, including fatty acids (used for energy) and cholesterol; to metabolize and store carbohydrates (used as the source for the sugar in blood); to form and secrete bile that contains bile acids…

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How worldwide education failed so miserably!

What…after education? Some of the things that are done mostly by we, the people….. Read how the nude and the semi-nude spend their days and nights? Watch them (on TV, smatphones, cinema halls) and write/ discuss about them? Slog all day, make some money and rush to watch them (actors) gyrate on each other’s body…to relax and enjoy!? Fantasize about them day and night – create expectations according to their knowledge (that seems almost nil). Fail to match real life with reel life. Live frustrated-ly ever after – fight, scream…

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Look at Shri Krishna from Duruyodhana’s point of view…

Look at Shri Krishna from Duruyodhana’s point of view… Who do you see? The greatest villain of the era – the one responsible for destroying not just the Kuru vansh but also all the other kingdoms who supported them blindly – fought for them, all soldiers….several families – those who belonged to the supporters of Kuru vansh! When they were given an opportunity to select the other side – the side supported by Shri Krishna…only one (out of millions) agreed to leave the Kuru Army to join the Pandavas! We…

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High heels are hazardous to health!

When high heels are hazardous to health, why are certain work places making it mandatory for their lady employees!? Message from concerned parents to certain work cultures that make high heels mandatory! I need not go into details of exactly which service Industry forces girls and women to wear high heels while on work! All over the world – esp. American journals too (wow!) – have come out with articles regarding the dangers of wearing high-heels! Still we get to see and hear that some work places have even made…

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Advertising Mind Block – Negligibly dressed female will make the sale!

Advertising Mind Block – Negligibly dressed female will make the sale! I am writing about a  personal experience. I was a career Advisor in Arena Multimedia. The management decided to make a short Advt. film to be shown on local cables and Metro stations –to increase the awareness regarding career opportunities of the Multimedia sector , IT Industry. So a small time advertising company was hired to shoot a film – showing the Institute, the students and other available facilities. The guys came in with cameras and tri-pods and mikes…

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A Ray Of Hope For The Positive, Cultured And Progressive Thinking Indian Citizens

A Ray Of Hope For The Positive, Cultured And Progressive Thinking Indian Citizens Censor board chief Pahlaj Nihalani! With parents trying to teach good manners and schools introducing value –based education, everything comes crumbling down when films- esp. the lead actors and actresses use ‘cuss’ words so often and with a lot of pride too! Quote “Despite strident opposition to the cuss list by the ministry and censor board members, movies have been asked to cut out “obscenities”. – Aah Thank God a zillion times!! Quote: …unrest among filmmakers who…

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So Hijaab/Naquaab is a very scientific approach to dressing after all!

Yet another Scientific Approach Practiced Since Ages by Muslims We are now calling it UV Protection caps and thinking ourselves to be great innovators! The skin of women is more delicate and thus it gets tanned & blemished easily with too much exposure to sun – thus the Niquab or Hijab. UVA & UVB radiations – from sun – cause skin cancer and other related diseases. So? Was it so wrong of our ancestors to derive measures to protect ourselves from the harmful effects of the sun? & as far…

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Lets Find the Common Man

Objective : Let us educate this world and make it a Learning Place ! Dear Individual, Reference : Your visit to our stall at Book Fair, 2004. We are all aware of the rate at which immorality is incessantly on the rise. Since we are in the multimedia sector, it is usually observed that whenever anyone is questioned on this delicate issue, and the current state of affairs, he / she puts the entire blame on The Common Man and his perception! It is our endeavor to find out who…

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Multimedia Project Work

Multimedia Project Work Aim : To increase footfalls and eventual admission in all product baskets. Project Title : Awareness Creators @Arena Multimedia Catch words / clichés : • Kill the negative by the positive. • Girls – good news – 3 D Animation is here (MAYA) – No more posing shamelessly in front of the camera – your Animator brothers are here to veil you back . • Now that Maya is here – No more bodily exposures required . • Maya will do it all for you – the…

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