MahaAshtami…the 8th Day of Navaratri! After the demon Shumbha was killed by the Devi, all Gods led by Indra & Agni praised thus the Devi…. 🌷You are the One who removes the grief of all those who surrender to You 🌷You look after the Universe and are the Goddess of moving and non-moving things 🌷You are the Mother Earth and You alone are the support of the world 🌷You are the Shakti Vaishnavi (power of Shri Vishnu) of unending strength 🌷You are the primordial seed of the universe, the supreme…
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The Ideal Durga Puja
The Ideal Durga Puja I am really amazed at the expensive affair that Bengalis make out of Durga Puja! If they can raise so much money locality wise, then why not make good use of it! Where is the point of making an idol worth over lakhs only to immerse it after 6 days!? It really does not suit a state that is poverty stricken – where people literally live hand to mouth! If so much funds get raised then why not invest it in something that is more lasting…
THE ENEMIES WITHIN All the scriptures of the World Religions have talked of “enemies within”. Unless and until they are faced, acknowledged and annihilated, human beings cannot ascend in their consciousness. They remain hidden within us like snakes in a hole and can erupt anytime without a warning. Those with a desire to transform themselves have to make a conscious effort to overcome them through strict vigilance and inner honesty. Only when one is able to conquer these evil tendencies within us, that our true ascent starts. Till then it…
Read MoreHow to identify a GENUINE GURU?
WHO IS A GENUINE GURU ? HOW TO IDENTIFY ONE FROM A PLETHORA OF FAKE & FALSE ONES ABOUNDING EVERYWHERE. At the rate the false gurus, the so called “yoga experts”, the Godmen with large followings are getting exposed nowadays, it is becoming increasingly difficult to convince those who don’t show much discretion, that you cannot put everything in one common basket. They should understand that just as there are real flowers, you can get also thousands of plastic ones with different hues and sizes trying to pass off as…
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