Self cleansing at Chhat Puja and the Foot soaking technique In 1972 while in Singapore Sir CP and Shri Mataji were invited to a diplomatic dinner hosted by The High Commissioner of India Mr Prem Bhatia. As usual some diplomats sought Shri Mataji’s advise on their personal problems. She told them to do foot soaking first to rid themselves of negativities and She would then take them forward. Mr Prem Bhatia did not approve of this as in his experience and knowledge no previous spiritual system the world over advised…
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How to meditate on different chakras?
How to meditate on different chakras? It’s a very good question. You see when you meditate; how do you meditate on different chakras? Say you have to meditate on Mooladhara, now you pay attention towards Mooladhara and take the name of Shri Ganesh. Say the mantra. You know there are four petals; so every that mantra should be every time should be four times should be said. Four into four you can say. Pay attention there. Now physically also say we have a Nabhi Chakra so many of you catch…
Read MoreSahaja Yoga – Research & Health Benefits
Sahaja Yoga – Research & Health Benefits Healing bronchial asthma, high blood pressure, and cancer begins with our own untapped energy according to a presentation featuring Sahaja Yoga held on September 9, 1998 by the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland. During the six-hour seminar sponsored by the NIH, Dr. Umesh C. Rai, an internationally renowned medical physiologist from India, gave a keynote address and unveiled a simple but scientifically proven meditation method known as Sahaja Yoga. Dr. Rai’s presentation detailed how Sahaja Yoga meditation and the clearing of subtle…
Read MoreString Knotting & Burning – Sahaja Yoga Clearing Technique
String Knotting & Burning Technique The special method of clearing the left side – especially the Swadhisthana Chakra. Things required: A long and thing cotton thread, mustard or olive oil, a candle, a match box and a tweezers or a holder. Procedure: Light the Candle. Put yourself in bandhan. Take a long, thin cotton string or thread. Make the string long enough so that you can tie 7 knots in it. Take Ganesha Mantra four times holding the thread in your hands. As you tie the first knot, recite Shri…
Read MoreHumans can get cured by their own inner power – A Sahaja Yoga Video
Humans can get cured by their own inner power – by Kundalini Awakening! Somatic and psychosomatic disorders can be fully cured by the practicing Sahaja Yoga. What is a somatic or somatoform disorder? Somatoform disorders are mental illnesses that cause bodily symptoms, including pain. The symptoms can’t be traced back to any physical cause. And they are not the result of substance abuse or another mental illness. Psychosomatic Disorders: Believed to be physical diseases that have a mental component derived from the stress and strain of everyday living. Psychosomatic medicine is…
Read MoreImportance of daily footsoak in Sahaja Yoga
Importance of daily footsoak in Sahaja Yoga At the sub-center that you visit, they will mention about a process that we follow – known by the name of foot-soaking. Foot Soaking Sit comfortably in a chair with your hands out on your lap – palms upwards, facing Shri Mataji’s photograph. Place your feet in a basin or bucket of luke warm water containing a handful of salt. Light a candle and keep it on Shree Mataji’s right (your left). Meditate for 10 to 15 minutes. You can say some affirmations…
Read MoreCuring an imbalance or ‘catch’ through Sahaja Yoga Meditation
Curing an imbalance or ‘catch’ through Sahaja Yoga Meditation What are the first symptoms at the physical level when you practice Sahaja Meditation? Physically, you may at first feel some heat or tingling in your fingers or in your body. This indicates in a very precise way which chakras are blocked. This can be cleared in various ways: with a bandhan to the finger that is tingling; by taking the affirmation or mantra of the specific chakra; or by placing the hand on the corresponding place in the body (for…
Read MoreSahaja Yoga Kriya – The Shoe-beat procedure.
Sharing Shoe-beat procedure.. Shared by Sahaja Brother : Shriniwas Damle [ PS: I will be sharing Sahaj clearance procedures on this forum, which I had learnt from my (late) father, Anant Damle, who was taught all these techniques by Shree Mataji between 1970-1985. I have seen these procedures working for the past 15 yrs for myself as well as others, 100% of the time & hence sharing them with all of you. Will humbly request you all to try them, if deemed appropriate ] Important suggestion: Before you execute any…
Read MoreHow To Do Daily Footsoak – A Sahaja Yoga Meditation Technique
Daily Footsoak Just like we expel out wastes from our bodies everyday by answering to nature’s call, similarly we need to expel out wastes from our extended selves too – ie. from our astral/ subtle / spiritual selves. We are made of the 5 basic elements – Earth, Water, Fire, Air, Ether. During Foot Soak Meditation Technique, we are able to cleanse ourselves at all levels. Footsoak – Things required: A Plastic tub (kept aside only for Foot soak) Salt – Represents the Earth Element Water – Represents the Water…
Read MoreLiver Treatment – Through Sahaja Yoga
About The All Important organ – Liver: The largest solid organ in the body, situated in the upper part of the abdomen on the right side. The liver has a multitude of important and complex functions, including to manufacture proteins, including albumin (to help maintain the volume of blood) and blood clotting factors; to synthesize, store, and process fats, including fatty acids (used for energy) and cholesterol; to metabolize and store carbohydrates (used as the source for the sugar in blood); to form and secrete bile that contains bile acids…
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