Guru Ashtakam – English & Hindi Translation

Guru Ashtakam- At the Holy Lotus feet of my Guru Shree Mataji Nirmala Devi

Sareeram suroopam thadha va kalathram,
Yasacharu chithram dhanam meru thulyam,
Gurorangri padme manaschenna lagnam,
Thatha kim Thatha Kim, Thatha kim Thatha kim. 1

You may be having a beautiful body, a lovely wife,
Great fame and enormous (mountain like) riches,
But if your mind does not bow at the Guru’s lotus feet,
What is the use? What is the use? Then what is the use?

Kalathram Dhanam puthrapothradhi sarvam,
Gruham Bandhavam Sarvamethadhi jatham,
Gurorangri padme manaschenna lagnam,
Thatha kim Thatha Kim, Thatha kim Thatha kim. 2

You may be having a wife, wealth, children, grand children.
House , relations and are born in a great family,
But if your mind does not bow at the Guru’s lotus feet,
What is the use? What is the use? Then what is the use?

Shadangadhi vedo Mukhe sasra vidhya ,
Kavithwadhi gadhyam , supadhyam karothi,
Gurorangri padme manaschenna lagnam,
Thatha kim Thatha Kim, Thatha kim Thatha kim. 3

You may be very learned – knowing all about Vedas
And an expert in writing good prose and poetry,
But if your mind does not bow at the Guru’s lotus feet,
What is the use? What is the use? Then what is the use?

Videseshu manya, swadeseshu danya,
Sadachara vrutheshu matho na cha anya,
Gurorangri padme manaschenna lagnam,
Thatha kim Thatha Kim, Thatha kim Thatha kim. 4

You may be considered great abroad, rich & affluent
And greatly regarded in virtues and life,
But if your mind does not bow at the Guru’s lotus feet,
What is the use? What is the use? Then what is the use?

Kshma mandale bhoopa bhoopala vrundai,
Sada sevitham yasya padaravindam,
Gurorangri padme manaschenna lagnam,
Thatha kim Thatha Kim, Thatha kim Thatha kim. 5

You may be an emperor ruling over a huge territory,
And are served by ministers and great kings,
But if your mind does not bow at the Guru’s lotus feet,
What is the use? What is the use? Then what is the use?

Yaso me gatham bikshu dana prathapa,
Jagadwathu sarvam kare yah prasdath,
Gurorangri padme manaschenna lagnam,
Thatha kim Thatha Kim, Thatha kim Thatha kim. 6

Even if your fame has spread all over,
And the entire world is with you because of charity & fame,
But if your mind does not bow at the Guru’s lotus feet,
What is the use? What is the use? And What is the use?

Na Bhoge, na yoge, Na vaa vajirajou,
Na kantha sukhe naiva vitheshu chitham,
Gurorangri padme manaschenna lagnam,
Thatha kim Thatha Kim, Thatha kim Thatha kim. 7

Even if you do not hanker after worldly pleasures
Or are not carried away by passion, yoga, fire sacrifice,
nor are interested in pleasures from women &
disinterested in the affairs of wealth,
But still if your  mind does not bow at the Guru’s lotus feet, What is the use? What is the use? The What is the use?

Aranye na vaa swasya gehe na karye,
Na dehe mano varthathemath vanarghye,
Gurorangri padme manaschenna lagnam,
Thatha kim Thatha Kim, Thatha kim Thatha kim. 8.1

Your mind may be totally under your control
And you may be least affected whether at home or wandering in the forests ;
Being an owner of  great wealth, body or work load does not affect you much
Yet if your mind does not bow at the Guru’s lotus feet,
What is the use? What is the use? Then what is the use?

Anarghani rathnani mukthani samyak,
Samalingitha kamini yamineeshu,
Gurorangri padme manaschenna lagnam,
Thatha kim Thatha Kim, Thatha kim Thatha kim. 8.2

You may be an owner of precious gem stones & riches
And also have the love of a passionate wife
But if your mind does not bow at the Guru’s lotus feet,
What is the use? What is the use? And What is the use?

Guror ashtakam ya padeth punya dehi,
Yathir bhoopathir , brahmacharee cha gehi,
Labeth vanchithartham padam brahma samgnam,
Guruor uktha vakye,mano yasya lagnam

Result of reading:
That blessed one who reads this octet to the Guru,
Be he a saint, king, bachelor or householder
If his mind gets attached to the words of the Guru,
Then all his desires will get fulfilled & he’ll even attain
spiritual promotion.

Guru Ashtakam – गुर्वष्टकम् – Hindi Translation –

यदि शरीर रुपवान हो, पत्नी भी रूपसी हो और सत्कीर्ति चारों दिशाओं में विस्तरित हो, मेरु पर्वत के तुल्य अपार धन हो, किंतु गुरु के श्रीचरणों में यदि मन आसक्त न हो तो इन सारी उपलब्धियों से क्या लाभ ।

सुन्दरी पत्नी, धन, पुत्र-पौत्र, घर एवं स्वजन आदि प्रारब्ध से सर्व सुलभ हो किंतु गुरु के श्रीचरणों में मन की आसक्ति न हो तो इस प्रारब्ध-सुख से क्या लाभ?

वेद एवं षटवेदांगादि शास्त्र जिन्हें कंठस्थ हों, जिनमें सुन्दर काव्य-निर्माण की प्रतिभा हो, किंतु उसका मन यदि गुरु के श्रीचरणों के प्रति आसक्त न हो तो इन सदगुणों से क्या लाभ?

जिन्हें विदेशों में समादर मिलता हो, अपने देश में जिनका नित्य जय-जयकार से स्वागत किया जाता हो और जो सदाचार-पालन में भी अनन्य स्थान रखता हो, यदि उसका भी मन गुरु के श्रीचरणों के प्रति अनासक्त हो तो इन सदगुणों से क्या लाभ?

जिन महानुभाव के चरणकमल पृथ्वीमण्डल के राजा-महाराजाओं से नित्य पूजित रहा करते हों, किंतु उनका मन यदि गुरु के श्री चरणों में आसक्त न हो तो इसे सदभाग्य से क्या लाभ?

दानवृत्ति के प्रताप से जिनकी कीर्ति दिगदिगान्तरों में व्याप्त हो, अति उदार गुरु की सहज कृपादृष्टि से जिन्हें संसार के सारे सुख-ऐश्वर्य हस्तगत हों, किंतु उनका मन यदि गुरु के श्रीचरणों में आसक्तिभाव न रखता हो तो इन सारे ऐश्वर्यों से क्या लाभ?

जिनका मन भोग, योग, अश्व, राज्य, धनोपभोग और स्त्रीसुख से कभी विचलित न हुआ हो, फिर भी गुरु के श्रीचरणों के प्रति आसक्त न बन पाया हो तो इस मन की अटलता से क्या लाभ?

जिनका मन वन या अपने विशाल भवन में, अपने कार्य या शरीर में तथा अमूल्य भंडार में आसक्त न हो, पर गुरु के श्रीचरणों में भी यदि वह मन आसक्त न हो पाये तो उसकी सारी अनासक्तियों का क्या लाभ?

अमूल्य मणि-मुक्तादि रत्न उपलब्ध हो, रात्रि में समलिंगिता विलासिनी पत्नी भी प्राप्त हो, फिर भी मन गुरु के श्रीचरणों के प्रति आसक्त न बन पाये तो इन सारे ऐश्वर्य-भोगादि सुखों से क्या लाभ?

जो यती, राजा, ब्रह्मचारी एवं गृहस्थ इस गुरु-अष्टक का पठन-पाठन करता है और जिसका मन गुरु के वचन में आसक्त है, वह पुण्यशाली शरीरधारी अपने इच्छितार्थ एवं ब्रह्मपद इन दोनों को सम्प्राप्त कर लेता है यह निश्चित है।
ॐ गुरु ॐ गुरु



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