Humans can get cured by their own inner power – by Kundalini Awakening!
Psychosomatic Disorders: Believed to be physical diseases that have a mental component derived from the stress and strain of everyday living. Psychosomatic medicine is an interdisciplinary medical field exploring the relationships among social, psychological, and behavioral factors on bodily processes and quality of life in humans and animals.
As said by Shree Mataji :
There are so many diseases that are more psychosomatic than physical. And these we call them as incurable…can be easily cured by kundalini awakening because when kundalini passes through this she just integrates them. For example she is going like this [hand gesture of Shree Mataji *]…just like she strings them also she nourishes that centre. That’s how people get cured – automatically by themselves, by their own power!
Hand gesture of Shree Mataji showing the left & right integration