Incarnations Are Very Different From Spiritual Masters or Gurus

Incarnations Are Very Different From Spiritual Masters or Gurus

H.H Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Extract from::

Guru Puja, “Awakening the Principle of Guru”.
Lodge Hill (UK), 24 July 1983.

Now with the incarnations it’s very different, it’s the other way round. Everything is the other way round.

They don’t have to do any tapasya.

They don’t have to starve, they don’t have to cleanse themselves, whatever they do is the punya.

They don’t have to collect punyas either.

If they kill somebody it is dharma.

If they hit somebody it is the dharma. Nothing they do wrong.

They are absolutely immaculate.

If they deceive someone, they cheat someone, it’s perfectly all right. Because for a higher goal you have to give up the smaller goals.

It’s justified in our day-to-day life you’ll see, that when you are defending your country, there is an enemy on you, if you have to defend your country you can slay him. You can cheat him, diplomatically you can befool him. Is allowed, why? Because for a higher goal you have to give up the smaller goal.

But for an incarnation it is always the higher goal. He is not bothered about smaller goals at all. He doesn’t have to weigh, think, rationalize or to train himself or do some drama or anything, it’s all done.

Even the movement, every movement, every movement of an incarnation has a ripple in it, which is for the good.

There is nothing, not even a moment is such which is not for the good of the world. So the incarnation is a very different thing, that is not to be achieved, that has to be.

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