Multimedia Project Work

Multimedia Project Work

Aim : To increase footfalls and eventual admission in all product baskets.

Project Title : Awareness Creators @Arena Multimedia

Catch words / clichés :

• Kill the negative by the positive.

• Girls – good news – 3 D Animation is here (MAYA) – No more posing shamelessly in front of the camera – your Animator brothers are here to veil you back .

• Now that Maya is here – No more bodily exposures required .

• Maya will do it all for you – the savior of all Women !

• Don’t let your daughters / sisters run for money – advertising is now done via animation software….don’t let your them be misused or exploited by some media man or celebrity!

• Good news for fashion designers ! no more running around whimsical models ! your comrade Animator has come up with the ultimate Model Woman – Maya.

• Few touch ups will make the world a beautiful place …so lets start touching up with Photoshop !

Research & Development done:

1. Have put up a topic on on “Eradicate Immorality Please” a forum topic – it is having maximum views & replies – both positive & negative. Its a touchy subject. I am registered here as Aumaparna.I have touched other topics as well.

2. Positive use of multimedia can be reinforced as people believe that multimedia only means Advertising, special effects in movies. Period. !some of the parents have been satirical as well while I start to show the special effects. Immediately of course I lead them to CBT (computer based training) made by our students and give them the positive aspect such as – while listening the child improves his/her vocabulary & pronunciation , is interested in studying because the presentation is full of cartoons & real life clippings etc.

3. Basically defying the old adage – “A Picture is worth a million words” now will be read as “ Multimedia is worth all the words and the worlds ” !

4. From what it appears from the TV serials viewed India wide, people still think of being together ! so showing how colorful you can make your birthday cds & marriage Cds all by yourself can really show the necessity of Multimedia in every household !

5. There are families who are very orthodox who don’t let their daughters go out for work, we can show them that if you are talented then you needn’t go out to work. Sit at home , use your creativity, and even make money – get financial security as well !


Annexure I

Awareness Creators @ Arena Multimedia
Project Development


Name _____________________________________ Age _______ Male / Female

Course _________Time Slot & days _______________Faculty ______________

Aspect : Positive Negative Both

Development on : Graphics Audio/visual Animation Web Page

Software you will use : _______________________________________________

Awareness aimed at – Waste, Poverty, Immorality, Prostitution, Irony, Others


Story Board/s Topic /Cliché / catch phrase /leaflet (maximum 5 topics, minimum 1)

Read very carefully before you proceed with the project – Important Documentation details:

• In case you are retouching an existing advt. graphic, keep detail of – The magazine name, date of issue, page number. You must keep the original in your folder . Scan the original piece definitely.
• In case you want to speak about a reply/ advice given by some big shot, which you found to be ironical, keep all the above said details for this also.
• Relate true life incidents – site examples of what makes you think the way you think – have you been directly affected by what you are speaking about or is it some one else that you are talking about
• Talk to parents, friends, neighbors – share their incidents – share it with us – we will publish what the common man has to say, we should make everyone feel that all of us are equally important – take permission from them whether you can publish his/ her say – make a write up – get it signed .
• This is the first level of Project development life cycle. Three days after the date of submission of this form you will have to furnish us with the complete story board .The clichés that you have written here are to be elaborated on and you are to give a step wise detail on how you will project your thoughts.
• This Handwritten form has to be duly filled and signed by the student.
• In case you are projecting an incident of your friend/ neighbor / parent, ask them to give a write up or volunteer to write on their behalf. Read out to them whether what they felt has been wovwn truthfully by you. If they agree with the write up, then get it signed by them and attach with your documentation.
• Once you start to develop your project, save file name as – <yourname digit_facultyname>.extension aparna1_uday.psd. in case of many projects use digit to specify eg. aparna2_uday.swf.
• In case you want to handle more than 5 projects, ask for another form. Don’t clutter one form .
• Best of luck – lets start a journey together to change the world perception ! WE CAN DO IT !


Annexure I a

(A Dummy Sample Form for your understanding.)

Awareness Creators @ Arena Multimedia
Project Development

Name ________Aparna Gangopadhyay____________ Age ___33__ Male / Female

Course ___PIM__Time Slot & days ___9 – 11/ MWF____Faculty _Uday Shankar Ghosh

Aspect : Positive Negative Both

Development on : Graphics Audio/visual Animation Web Page

Software you will use : __Photoshop 7, Premier 6.5, After Fx 5.5________________

Awareness aimed at – Waste, Poverty, Immorality, Prostitution, Irony, Others

__________________Waste, Abnormal psychology , wrong projections, Immorality

Story Board/s Topic /Cliché / catch phrase /leaflet (maximum 5 topics, minimum 1)

1. Sweat Out @ 35/- Have a Wholesome meal. No addas. ( Print adv.)

2. What Say…. Really ! – (A/V Presentation. With special effects)

3. The Heart So Desires ? (A/V Presentation. With special effects)

4. L O F A K E – Folks when in India – do as the Indians do ! (Print advt.)

5. No we are not Social Workers ! (Leaflet write up)


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One thought on “Multimedia Project Work

  1. Thanks for inocrduting a little rationality into this debate.

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