आखिर यह योग है क्या? Article written by Sandhya Chaudhary | Sahaja Yogini दोस्तों आजकल योग का नाम बहुत सुनाई पड़ रहा है।हर छोटे-बड़े शहर में योगा क्लासेस चल रही है।आखिर यह योग है क्या?… योग का मतलब है जुड़ना….अपनी आत्मा से जुड़ना या आत्मा का परमात्मा से मिलन….जब ऐसा होता है उसको योग कहते हैं,और ऐसे व्यक्ति को योगी कहते हैं। लेकिन आजकल तो योग के नाम पर प्राणायाम करवाया जा रहा है,जो सरासर अनुचित है। पतंजलि ने क्या बताया वह किसी को पता नहीं और योग किए जा…
Read MoreOpen Up – Problem itself gives you a Solution!
🌸Open Up🌸 Article written by Sahaja Yogini Saumya Rai The ‘good’ part about having a Problem in your life is that over a period of time, the problem itself gives you a Solution. The ‘better’ part is that it helps you become someone you thought you could just dream of becoming. Now, some wise ones would reject this idea by saying ‘Problems are a myth. They are nothing but an unhealthy state of mind and we must never lead ourselves into believing that we are facing tough times.’ I deny…
LESSONS FROM HISTORY The history of revolutions throughout the world bear testimony to the fact that when your time is up, it’s up. When the Divine decides to intervene, where will you hide? where can you hide ? When your glittering towers come tumbling down, and all your amassed wealth can’t buy you protection from those whom you’ve exploited and from whom now you run. When the masses awake from their slumber, your days will be numbered, the sooner you realize the truth of that truth, giving a brake to…
Read MoreWho is taking care of your spirit?
Who is taking care of your spirit? You have a body that you take care of with proper diet, exercise etc. You have a mind that is the repository of your thoughts, knowledge and experiences that you have been collecting all your life. Based on your experiences, you make decisions or form opinions. If you are optimistic, you engage in positive thoughts & ideals…and if you are a pessimist, you probably wallow in self pity and think negative all the time. You have an emotional self too that depends upon…
Read MoreModern age Gurus have destroyed the very essence of spirituality!
Modern age Gurus have destroyed the very essence of spirituality! Modern age Gurus are playing havoc and have reduced the essence of spirituality in a mere money generating business. This is really a bitter truth and sad reality . We human beings are very strange, we worship God, do all types of karma kand not to please God in real sense but we use it as a medium to fulfill our desires . Conditionings are so deep rooted that we are glued to it somehow. Rationality governs our mind. So…
Read MoreConnectivity with the creator is reflected as goodness in the being.
Connectivity with the creator is reflected as goodness in the being. The one connected may not be one hundred percent perfect but he is definitely on the path leading to his own refinement, hence resulting in the union / oneness with the source – the creator. The part and parcel of HIM is reflected in the being as his very own aatma – which needs to enlightened. And this enlightenment is possible only by maintaining connection with the source – the Supreme spirit Param. This connection is effortless, this connection…
WHO ARE THESE TANTRIKAS? Tantrikas belong to Satan’s tribe and can be born as despots, psychologists or as great scientists. They entice thousands of people through their lectures, and even induce nations to wage wars against other countries founded on a moral or spiritual religious base. In these modern times there are many such personalities who have incarnated in India and the West. They are enticing and hypnotising gullible human beings, and misusing their so-called spiritual powers for the accumulation of wealth and sexual satisfaction. Like sadists they master and…
Read MoreThe Gods we worship & the things we learn
The Gods we worship & the things we (ought to) learn Shri Rama is the 7th incarnation of Lord Vishnu. Shri Lakshmana, is the incarnation of Shri Sheshnaag. I want to draw your attention to one of the episodes of their life while they were on Mother Earth. The episode of ‘Being approached by Demon Princess Surpanakha’. Surpanakha was a married woman & even a mother. She was the sister of demon king Ravana. While she is loitering alone in forests – adventure seeking I guess – she saw 2…
Read MoreNarayani Sena – Destined for worse than the worst luck!!
Narayani Sena – Destined for worse than the worst luck!! A very famous episode of Mahabharata – While Shri Krishna was asleep in his palace, Duruyodhana came & waited for him to wake up (at least the fool had this much courtesy to wait for the lord to awaken!). He stood by his head. Soon Arjuna came in too – a little later and stood beside Lord’s feet. When Shri Krishna opened hi eyes, he saw Arjuna first him & asked him why he had come. Immediately Duruyodhana prompted that…
Read MoreIncarnations Are Very Different From Spiritual Masters or Gurus
Incarnations Are Very Different From Spiritual Masters or Gurus H.H Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi Extract from:: Guru Puja, “Awakening the Principle of Guru”. Lodge Hill (UK), 24 July 1983. Now with the incarnations it’s very different, it’s the other way round. Everything is the other way round. They don’t have to do any tapasya. They don’t have to starve, they don’t have to cleanse themselves, whatever they do is the punya. They don’t have to collect punyas either. If they kill somebody it is dharma. If they hit somebody it…
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