The Ateeta State – Gone Beyond: Where introspection & meditation takes you

The Ateeta State – Gone Beyond: Where introspection & meditation takes you H.H Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi Extract from:: Guru Puja, “Awakening the Principle of Guru”. Lodge Hill (UK), 24 July 1983. That is the ateeta state. And that state is to be achieved now by many Sahaja Yogis- in a state where you go beyond. Say there is somebody who is before you and you have to get angry. All right, you give them left, right, left, right nicely and then you are smiling next moment. Did you get…

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Horoscope of Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Horoscope of Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi (by T. Y. Chaudhari from Nirmala Yoga, Issue 14 (March-April 1983), Pages 24–28) THE horoscope discussed in this article pertains to Her Holiness Mataji Shri Nirmala Devi Srivastava, who, to Her innumerable Sahajyogi devotees spread all over the five continents, is an incarnation. Her Holiness Mataji is reported to have been born at : 12 noon on Wednesday, the 21st March 1923, at Chhindwara (Lat. 23°.3′ North and Long. 78°.59′ East). The following is the horoscope prepared in accordance with the principles of Krishnamurti…

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Being Humane vs. Being Spiritual – Your Choice.

Being Humane vs. Being Spiritual People confuse a lot between the two. There is a lot of difference between being humane and being spiritual. Lets see the difference… Being Humane Being aware of the needs of fellow humans. Trying to help people according to one’s capacity. Doing charity – supporting or running charity organisations. Stressing on education and opening schools and reaching bare minimum amenities & facilities to every nook and corner of the nation Increasing employment opportunities, maintaining and teaching the advantages of hygienic living conditions. Volunteering to help…

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Why do we need a Master?- A Short Story

Why do we need a Master? Once upon a time, a cow went out to graze in the jungle. Suddenly, she noticed a tiger racing towards her. She turned and fled, fearing that at any moment the tiger would sink his claws into her. The cow desperately looked for some place to escape and at last saw a shallow pond. Barely evading the tiger’s reach, she jumped into the pond, and in the heat of the chase, the tiger blindly leaped after her. To the surprise of them both, the…

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Early Life & Self Realization of Prophet Mohammed

Early Life & Self Realization of Prophet Mohammed There are a number of legends about the early life of Mohammed, founder of the religion of Islam. It is said that just before Mohammed’s birth his father, Abdulah, dreamt of his unborn son. He saw growing from his child’s back a tree, which climbed upward, and reaching its full height emitted a light that spread around the world. Most Muslims interpret the dream and its imagery symbolically. The tree would of course represent the religion of Islam, supported by Mohammed. The…

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Probably I wasn’t a good enough teacher!

Probably I wasn’t a good enough teacher! I am relating an incident while I was a Soft Skills Trainer at Arena Animation Academy, Barasat. My job was to encourage the students to improve their spoken English skills and teach them some Personality Development tips and tricks. Because there was no examination for these classes and it was just a value addition class, maximum students used to bunk my classes. Whenever I caught the ones who used to absent – they had some clichéd excuse for not attending the classes! I…

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Prayer to Shrī Siddhārtha Gautama Buddha

Prayer to Shrī Siddhārtha Gautama Buddha Aum twameva sākshāt Shrī Siddhārtha Gautama Buddha sākshāt Shrī Ādi Shakti Mātājī Shrī Nirmalā Devyai namo namah O Divine Mother, You are verily Shri Buddha. Salutations to You! Buddham sharanam gachhāmi I surrender myself to my Self-realisation and to all those who are realised souls (Buddhas) Dhammam sharanam gachhāmi I surrender myself to dharma, to the innate religion that is Vishwa Nirmala Dharma Saṅgham sharanam gachhāmi I surrender myself to collectivity and to the collective community of realised souls Shrī Ādi Shaktyai Nirmalā Mātaram…

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Lives of Women – Various Permutations & Combinations

Lives of Women – Various Permutations & Combinations A girl child is conceived and any one of the following can happen to her: Aborted after Sex Determination Test (SDT) so as to avoid giving dowry or waste money on her education, food and clothing …only for her to grow, get married and serve someone else’s family. Unfortunately there are many in 3rd world countries who think that girl child is a liability and find ways to abort her in the womb. Takes birth in a sensible family that does not…

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What Happens After Death – An Extract From The Garuda Purana

What Happens After Death – An Extract From The Garuda Purana What is death ? Is there life after death ? Is death painful? What happens after death ? How does rebirth happen ? Where do we go after death ? These kind of questions related to the most feared event that ends our life always fill our mind, especially when any of our near or dear ones die. We feel that suddenly the relationship has broken abruptly and wish there could be a connection again. In this quest, our…

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Religion vs. Spirituality – Know the clear cut difference between the two

Religion vs. Spirituality – Know the clear cut difference between the two By Dr. Froylan Alvarado Guemez Pierre Teilhard de Chardin Of the Jesuit order. Born in Orcines, on May 1, 1881 and died in New York on April 10, 1995. It was the French theologian, philosopher and paleontologist who built an integrated vision of science and mysticism with his thought; of the evolution of spirit and thought. ▪ Religion is not just one, there are hundreds. ▪ Spirituality is one. ▪ Religion is for those who sleep. ▪ Spirituality…

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