Reiki – Dr. K. Muralidharan


REIKI – The USUI system of Natural Healing is the right form and traditional REIKI.

This is taught in two days for Basic Course and another two days for Advanced Course, generally known as REIKI I and REIKI II. REIKI II can be done only after one month’s practicing on self and others. During the two days’ course in REIKI I and II, lectures on mental upliftment , spiritualism, psychology, controlling body through the Power of Thoughts and mind, emotional let-out exercise, Practice of Touch Healing and Absentee Healing/Distant Healing and many more things are taught.

In both sessions the participant is attuned by a REIKI Master who is well trained and follows the system honestly and in proper manner as has been designed. It has been noticed that many diseases get healed during the attunement itself. Once the attunement is done, it is for the lifetime of the person. It is absolutely necessary for a person to practice it everyday on self and preferably on others too in order to get best results. With REIKI you can bring transformation in one’s life. Regular workshops are conducted and one can easily learn it in comfort. Anyone can learn this-one should be able to understand the language and should have the intention to do it. Faith is absolutely necessary to achieve anything and to achieve the results through REIKI too. An old Proverb says that “FAITH CAN MOVE A MOUNTAIN “; and it is true. REIKI is a Wholistic healing method and a holistic healing method.

With Love, Light & REIKI,

DR K Muralidharan.

 I Learnt Reiki!

I met Dr. Muralidharan when I was working in HCL Frontline (19, Park Street…two steps ahead of my previous office 17 Park Street – the Park) way back in 1999 . I was an MRE – Market Research Executive – a heavy sounding designation given to me by a BE from Shibpur fellow , younger to me but my Reporting Head – recruited me after rejecting many girls as their English accent was not up to the mark ! I was training & trouble shooting Dragon Naturally Speaking – a speech recognition software.

Anyways, Dr. Murlidharan came with his wife and was quite impressed by the software. I sold him the Preferred Version costing around 17,000/-. His tilak on the forehead made me ask him few questons and I asked him about Kundalini Shakti and the seven chakras as I had read in Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda. He told me that he has even crossed 8th, 9th and above those chakras as well ! That really impressed me a lot. He gave me his visiting card.

Then I even went to his residence to install the software. They had offered me chilled cola and snacks. That was certainly a good & welcome gesture because I had gone to a house in Salt Lake , where the old man and his wife did not even give me water to drink and the way they were treating me was as if I was some T.V mechanic…or some plumber…but even such people are treated well in our house at least. Well this shows the culture and background.

I went for Reiki – I with my sister & Brother-in-law. That was in 2001 – around August. We learnt the “Centering Meditation” and he even mentioned that after Reiki many people have met their own Gurus !

In December 2001 , both me and my sister did Reiki II- distance Reiki.

I made use of this technique to attract my Guru. I even went to the extent – that after making the Hon-sha-ze`-sho-nen, Se` – he`-ki, cho-ku-re` bridge, I requested the Higher Masters to send me a lady Guru ! As I knew my Mother does not quite believe in male Gurus – thanx’ to the media and movies – the things they show about males, no sane parents would let their daughters go to one !

So it was in June 2002 – that I met my Guru – Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi (


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2 thoughts on “Reiki – Dr. K. Muralidharan

  1. Very impressive article 🙂

    I came to your website through linkedin, we just got connected over there a minute back. I would like to know more about Reiki and your other spiritual aspirations.


    1. admin

      Have tried many things in my pursuit to find true spiritual self realization. Anyways – the end result is what matters ultimately – so visit and know about your subtle self and how to go about self realization…ie. establishing the divine connection !

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