The Training Schedules of : Amarjeet and Veer.


Amarjeet got through the tough entrance exam and joined the Security Forces, a Government undertaking Organization. His father, who was a Sanskrit Teacher, was the happiest as he always wanted to see his son in crisp uniform following a strict disciplined life. His mother’s effort to feed him the best of health food did pay off – as he got through the tough entrance exam – both physical and written.

Once he joined the Security forces, his every minute was regularized. He woke up in the morning, sharp at 4am, went for an hour long Physical Exercise that included jogging and other yoga asanas to keep his body fit and agile. For breakfast he and all others who joined with him- had 2 eggs, 4 chappatis, one glass of milk – and this was what was served almost everyday! Junk food was prohibited and every month they had a thorough check up which included urine, blood test etc. Later in the day they were made to practice shooting and aiming and other security related training was given to them. They hardly had any entertainment except on Sundays, when they were shown some patriotic film and were allowed to go to the market to buy personal stuff.

Veer, who lived just 2 blocks away from Amarjeet’s house, was a happy go lucky kind of a chap. His father used to work in a private company as a clerk but had been thrown out as he was caught red handed while stealing cash ! When Veer was barely 12, his father became unemployed and thus Veer had to discontinue studying and had to get into odd jobs to feed his parents. His mother took up cooking and washing utensils. His father took up heavy drinking out of frustration and never looked for any job anymore – his wife and son were getting enough money so he did not bother to look for another job! He started mixing with local thugs and goons in order to make quick money. Veer often used to get his half unconscious father from the local country liquor bar or from the cheap brothel….since his father had become a pimp !

Veer grew up and he also took up the job of a pimp. He joined the local goon and made 10 times the amount of money per week that Amarjeet made per month. Veer’s life was rather cushy! He got up at around 11 am – since he slept only at 2-3 am after supplying the prostitutes to the frustrated rich/ poor/mediocre males of his locality. He had bought the latest mobile and all that he did was organize which whore will go to which client on phone. He obviously had the first taste of all the new arrivals in the brothel. In the evening he went out to some big restaurant or hotel with his friends – had the best of food and drinks and came back home only to sleep. His mother had left the job of a maid and in fact had kept two maids for herself!

Veer became greedier day by day. He soon joined a ‘terrorist group’ and started supplying illegal arms and ammunition to different terrorist groups and very soon he came to be known as the much ‘wanted’ terrorist in the nation. No Govt. body could catch him of course since they never had any proof against him…and whenever he was caught, the highly educated Advocates took extra care of him so that he gets released within 2 hours of getting caught – the Advocates were amply paid for this of course. Money flowed like water in Veer’s organization – they had after all invested in the most lucrative of businesses – like: supplying arms to terrorists, supplying women to sex-starved males, organizing big celebrity shows etc. Veer’s life was rocking. Amarjeet, in the meanwhile won many accolades as the best and a dare–devil security officer. His life continued to be a strict disciplined life.

A day came when Amarjeet and Veer came face to face. Before Amarjeet could take the decision to shoot Veer, he got shot and died on spot. Veer fled from the site…and went abroad and even settled there for good – since coming back to India was risky – he had shot a Govt. Officer after all!

This true incident was made into a film …… by those film makers who danced on Veer’s whims and fancies, since Veer sponsored 75% of their films. The film took such a subtle turn that it elaborated on Veer’s sad childhood and convinced the viewers that Veer is the actual hero in this world full of miseries. Amarjeet’s strict disciplinarian life just became a matter of joke among the ‘less educated’ viewers … ‘less educated’ that made 80% of the nation. So at the end the ‘less educated’ took up all the ways and means that fetched them easy money….like their film Hero – Veer!

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