Lets Find the Common Man

Objective : Let us educate this world and make it a Learning Place !

Dear Individual,

Reference : Your visit to our stall at Book Fair, 2004.

We are all aware of the rate at which immorality is incessantly on the rise. Since we are in the multimedia sector, it is usually observed that whenever anyone is questioned on this delicate issue, and the current state of affairs, he / she puts the entire blame on The Common Man and his perception!

It is our endeavor to find out who is this culprit known as The Common Man – is it one single body, Organization, Industry, Corporate House, School, College ,Public or all of us together ? Since you visited the Book Fair, it is understood that you have a literary bent of mind as well as appreciate and know that knowledge is above all. So we are working on a project to make this world a Beautiful Fair Ground. Please fill in this questionnaire and send it across to us or drop in to our centre to find out more about how Multimedia may help you to retouch the present World Picture.

PS : In case you know of someone who would like to participate in our endeavor to find out The Common Man, let them contact us. You may photocopy this form before filling up and let them voice their opinion.


Tick to choose your reply.

Qs. Who, according to you is The Common Man ?

a. A single individual whose name is The Common Man.
b. Name of an Organization, Corporate house, Industry, Market place, Shopping Arcade.
c. Name of a School, College, Educational Institute, Arena Multimedia, Service Industry.
d. All of us together.

Qs. Every product, that includes, FMCG like soaps, toothpaste, cosmetics, hardware products like plumbing, fittings, pipes, comfort products like Refrigerator, Television, Air Conditioner and food plus drink product like tea, cold drinks ,Fast food restaurants and clothes & jewel ornaments etc.- they all must & must have a woman depicting – behind every product sale there is a woman !

a. Absolutely not – a woman needn’t be shown at all even if it is an Only Woman’s Product.
b. Not always – but a woman can be shown if its an only woman’s product – Decency is a must though.
c. Sometimes required – a woman must show a bit of her skin in order to please the viewer.
d. Definitely & always – a woman who is bold should be given a chance to show her boldness !

Qs. Do you think that advertisements, movies and serials, magazines, board & hoarding projections can have an effect on the human mind ?

a. Of course ! that is why these are present in the first place – to establish the brand name !
b. Good healthy ones can have an effect and the bad, unhealthy ones don’t have any effect – all human beings should be prudent & intelligent – if they are not, its their fault !
c. I don’t wish to tick any choice as the question is very silly !- I have better things to think about.

Qs. In case your daughter shows a keen interest to wear a revealing dress or your son shows a keen interest to watch an adult rated channel / magazine, will you –

a. Ask her or him to mend her or his ways and do positive counseling and gently handle the case.
b. Scream at the top of my voice , hit them and punish them for daring to do such a thing !
c. I will buy her the dress & let him watch whatever he wants to watch – I am broadminded !
d. I don’t even come to know what is happening in the home front – I am too busy !

Qs. Do you feel perturbed when suddenly a TV show or a home magazine comes out with some loud, crass and lousy scene or picture?

a. Yes ! its very embarrassing and should never be shown ! neither on TV nor in a magazine.
b. Its okay, you have to be at pace with the world and go according to whatever is happening around. Sooner or later the children will have to know the facts of life – why not this way?

Name : ___________________________________ Age _____ Sex _____ Phone # ________________

Occupation & Designation ________________________ Name of Work Place ____________________

Address: ___________________________________________________________________________

Let us together find out the culprit called The Common Man.



I have made the following Form letters ,to be given to different streams of occupation :

Annexure 4.a. Objective – Let us make this world a beautifully Fair Place.

Cliché : Since you visited the Book Fair, it is understood that you have a literary bent of mind as well as appreciate and know that knowledge is above all. So we are working on a project to make this world a Beautiful Fair Ground.

(This is addressing to Book Fair Database – recently held at Kolkata , where Arena Multimedia had participated)

Annexure 4. b. Objective – let us encompass this world – like we did in Compass 2004.

(This is addressing to Compass 2004 – recently held at Kolkata , where Arena Multimedia had participated)

Cliché : you know the necessity of team work, coordination, cooperation & follow ups in order to bring so many Corporate Giants under one roof. So we are working on a project to encompass the common man under one roof.

Annexure 4. c. – Objective : Let us educate this world and make it a Learning Place !

(This is addressing to all schools and colleges )

Cliché – you know the essence of quality education , team work, preparation for exams, correcting papers, conducting cultural programs, sports & picnic for your students ! So we are working on a project to teach the common man just the way it happens in any school.

Annexure 4. d. Objective : Let us train this world to work with discipline & Synchronization.

(This is addressing to all Defense Personnel )

Cliché : you know the essence of discipline, sacrifice, dedication & team work. So we are working on a project to train the common man just the way it happens in any Defense Organization . So we are working on a project to train the common man just the way it happens in any Defense Organization .

Annexure 4. e Objective : Let us morph this world into a Multinational Corporate .

(This is addressing to all MNCs & Corporate houses )

cliché : you know the essence of team work, coordination, follow ups and dead lines . So we are working on a project to inform the common man to understand the commitment & enthusiasm required to reach the top rung of any corporate ladder .

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