Importance of daily footsoak in Sahaja Yoga
At the sub-center that you visit, they will mention about a process that we follow – known by the name of foot-soaking.
Foot Soaking
Sit comfortably in a chair with your hands out on your lap – palms upwards, facing Shri Mataji’s photograph. Place your feet in a basin or bucket of luke warm water containing a handful of salt. Light a candle and keep it on Shree Mataji’s right (your left).
- Meditate for 10 to 15 minutes.
- You can say some affirmations to cleanse the chakras.
- Rinse and dry your feet.
- Flush the water down the toilet. Try not to look directly in the bucket before flushing.
- Don’t use the foot-soak bucket for any other purpose.
3 Tips to keep in mind
- Practice this technique preferably in the evening for best results.
- Keep a tub exclusively for this purpose and do not use it for anything else.
- Ensure that the water is lukewarm, and not hot.
Practice foot-soaking meditation every night – while you may not get instant results, you will notice changes with a few sessions. Also, as you become more proficient, you can graduate to another session of normal (not foot-soaking) meditation, right after you have flushed down the water. In other words, when you are devoid of the negativity, you can engage in a more fruitful session of meditation.
Shree Mataji on cleansing left & right side and foot soaking