Lord Vishnu and His ways – A childhood memory!

Lord Vishnu and His ways – A childhood memory!

Many of us remember how Amar Chitra Kathas and Jataka Tales or Aesop’s fables formed an integral part of our lives! Way back in the 1970’s, we just had 1 TV channel – Doordarshan and all that I waited for was Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays for Chitrahaar, Chitrahaar and movie respectively! So what did we do in the rest of the days? Yeah – somehow finish homework and mug up tables and poems….and read comics!!

I was much younger maybe around 4 so my sister used to read out the stories to me. Well now – most of the God stories had this one common factor – that some demon or human did penance for long – very long – some thousand years and then God appeared – either Brahma, Vishnu or Shiva, gave the boon and poof! – they vanished in less than a  fraction  of a millisecond!

There were also stories where some dumb demon would ask for something foolish and how his penance would go wasted! This factor perturbed me a lot! What if God comes to me and I waste my one chance to ask for something worthwhile…..this thought actually kept me busy for very long….and I had come up with a solution too!

Remember I was only 4 or 5 years old folks – so my desires were also like a child of 4….so this is the plan I had for Gods…lol!!

I imagined that God (Lord Vishnu esp. because He is often known to be very clever while giving away boons) – appeared and asked me for a boon. (yea yea – Mungerilaal ke haseen sapne)

Me: I want you.

He: But…

Me: No ifs and buts – you said ask for anything – you did not add ‘except me’ – so now you belong to me. (muahahaha)

Then I imagined that Lord Vishnu will have to follow me to fulfil whatever I desired. At that point of time Hansel & Gretel (also Rani aur Laal Pari) had introduced the concept of toffee trees and chocolate bricks and biscuit doors and windows…..that concept was terrifically awesome for me at that point of time…so I imagined that I had this house to myself and was having crème biscuits, cookies, chocolates …..without having to ask mom for it…..

Good old childhood days…….I must say I have been pretty much after Gods since early childhood – maybe that’s why I got the address to reach them…..the Kingdom of God!

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One thought on “Lord Vishnu and His ways – A childhood memory!

  1. Aneesh Kumar

    Although your intention was different, but telling lord Vishnu,’I want you’ is the ultimate pure desire we can have. When we want nothing else but oneness with God.

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