Shree Mataji Nirmala Devi University – SMNDU


– by Michael Davies

In 2001 Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi asked me to lead the Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi University (SMNDU) Project. Of course I agreed without question or hesitation as those who were there will attest. She gave me Her fond blessings and I gave Her my true promise to do my very best to make Her vision come true. I have no doubt you would have done the same. Only a fool would disobey Shri Adi Shakti in Mahadeva form.

Yogis are decent people seeking to fulfill Shri Mataji’s vision of Vishwa Nirmala Dharma and the emancipation of humanity in many different ways all over the world. This is one of them, called SMNDU.

Now it doesn’t really matter who I am, it is Her wish for this University to succeed, which is what is important, and Her Divine command which I will alway obey no matter what. And this is why I am making this public request for your support in any way you can. Together we can achieve anything that is the Divine wish of Shri Adi Shakti. And what more exciting an adventure than buidling the Divinely ordained University of Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi with like-minded yogis can there be.

Since then, over one hundred lovely yogis and yoginis have joined in the development of this unique cyberspace SMNDU Project which grows bigger every day, is accessible all over the world via a simple cell phone, and has developed a life of its own with around 10,000 members worldwide spread across a network of 140 SMNDU Schools and Groups growing all the time in the ether element of cyberspace. This is not surprising as it is the idea of Shri Adi Shakti: not any mere mortal idea. And an idea that we will ensure passes from generation to generation to generation.

SMNDU – don’t forget it, it’s here to stay, and floats around in the electrons of the internet passing through you, over you and under you all day, every day, everywhere.

What we cannot do is ask each and every sahaj yogi/yogini individually if they wish to be involved in Shri Mataji’s vision for a University of Her teachings, but we do know She wanted all Her children to become involved. To not include you and them would be against Her wishes. So we assume most right-thinking yogis/yoginis would wish at least an opportunity to be included and to do so systematically via social media on the ubiquitous World Wide Web. Those who are not interested can leave easily enough. It’s only Facebook after all.

And so we persevere in faith and devotion and will continue to persevere to develop, expand and keep faith with Our Mother’s vision for this unique spiritual University based in cyberspace – SMNDU. We hope Her idea catches fire in your imagination too. The possibilities are simply infinite in this cyber age of worldwide conections and borderless communities and mobile phones.

If you are one of the people who see the value of Her vision, you can help Shri Mataji in any number of ways.

You can add your friends to the groups you are in and encourage them to do the same and so on and so on until every one has at least been given the opportunity to make up their own mind.

And if you are really inspired, as many have been, you may join our loving global administration team and become involved in this remarkably diverse cyber project – if this is you, please contact us in any number of ways:

Through one of the one hundred or so SMNDU admins, many of whom use the familiar SMNDU illustration as their Facebook back drop.

Through the Facebook account of Smnd.Uni which represents the Administration team on Facebook. Just type Smnd.Uni in the Facebook search box and send out a friend invitation.
Or email
Or email smnd.uni@gmail.
Or look for us on what’s app ( we can give out a few phone numbers regionally based)
Or via

Or via FlipBoard if you can use it, see

Our Main Facebook group is called SMNDU CENTRAL, but the settings are set to secret, so find a friend who knows the way to our Front Door and we will let you into Her House of Learning.

We only have one rule-set: “Speak sweetly, act with kindess, criticise no-one”.
Nirmal love.
Jai Shri Mataji
SMNDU ADMINISTRATION 2016 (our projects presently include)…/…/…/…/
And more to come….

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