Shri Kartikeya incarnated as the great poet and saint Dnyaneshwara
Shri Kartikeya incarnated as the great poet and saint Dnyaneshwara (also referred to as Gyaneshwara, Gyanesha, Jnaneshwara,or Jnanadeva)in 1275 CE.His eldest brother and guru was Nivrittinath (traditionally said to be an aspect of Shri Shiva), his younger brother was Sopanadeva (the second incarnation of Brahmadeva) and his younger sister was Muktabai (traditionally said to be an aspect of Shri Vishnumaya).
Before taking his Samadhi in the simple Maharastrian village of Alandi (near Pune) in 1296 at the young age of 21,he wrote many great works of spiritual literature, notably the ‘Dnyaneshwari’, ‘Amrutanubhava’ and ‘Pasa-yadana’.
More About Sant Dnyaneshwar
The author of Dnyaneshwari, Sant Dnyaneshwar is fondly called by all his devotees and followers in Maharashtra as “Mauli” (Marathi synonym for loving mother). This is a unique example in spirituality manifested more than 700 years ago, when a youth underwent Sanjivan (live) Samadhi at the blooming age of 22.
He is honoured as motherly figure and adored with reverence by all the subsequent generations in which, scores of liberated Sants and millions of faithful devotees have taken birth. Such example is rare in the history of religions and spiritualism in the world.
Till the time of Dnyaneshwar i.e. up to 12th century, all spiritual and philosophical knowledge was confined to the books written in Sanskrit and was available for study only to higher strata of the society. Lower caste people and Women did not have access to it.
Shri Dnyaneshwar thought of making that knowledge available to everyone. Right from his childhood, Dnyaneshwar and his family were being humiliated and harassed by the established shastris and pundits, who were ignorantly proud of their social supremacy.
However, under the guidance of his Guru and elder brother Nivruttinath, Dnyaneshwar ignored all that humiliation and in the short span of his life, bestowed upon common people of Maharashtra, major literary works in simple vernacular Marathi; namely- Bhavartha-Deepika i.e. Dnyaneshwari, Amrutanubhava, Changdeo-pasashti, Haripatha and Abhangas.
Through these works, he rooted devotional and yogic philosophy in the soil ofMaharashtra that could be understood and followed even by ordinary villagers and women, who did not know Sanskrit. All Maharashtrians have been enjoying fruits of that revolutionary work for more than seven hundred years, and this enlightenment will continue forever for every person who knows Marathi. Greatness of Dnyaneshwar as a Sant can be measured from this fact.
I seek refuge in the God who is indestructible, indescribable, pure bliss incarnate, unborn, unchangeable and known as Nivrittinatha.
I/ 1: I pay obeisance to the God and Goddess who are thus unconditioned primordial parents of the universe.-
2: The very lover (Shiva) impelled by a desire to enjoy himself assumes a reverse postion and becomes the Beloved (Sakti), occupying the same beautiful place, having the same status as Siva, (or sharing the same powers) and the same body features.
3: In the flush of love, they swallow each other’s body; They however emit each other to maintain duality.
4: They are neither one, as they are not exactly alike; nor are they two, as they are not very much different. How can we understand their nature and form ?
12: Without each other, they cannot even create a blad of grass. They form the very life-force of each other.
17: There exists Siva only, the distinction as female and male being only in name. The entire universe is created by the two halves – of one.
63: As the salt by giving up attachment of its salty taste becomes sea, likewise by giving up the ego I became Siva-Sakti.
III/ 24: That knowledge which drowns itself cannot be held in high esteem. Knowledge brings about liberation provided it dissolves itself.
IV/ 23:In that way, the knowledge does not know itself. Therefore, it is the Pure Knowledge which is unique by itself in that it is without being aware that it is knowledge.
VII/ 6: And what is called knowledge is ignorance in another form.