String Knotting & Burning – Sahaja Yoga Clearing Technique

String Knotting & Burning Technique

The special method of clearing the left side – especially the Swadhisthana Chakra.

Things required:

A long and thing cotton thread, mustard or olive oil, a candle, a match box and a tweezers or a holder.



  • Light  the Candle. Put yourself in bandhan.
  •  Take a long, thin cotton string or thread. Make the string long enough so that you can tie 7  knots in it.
  • Take Ganesha Mantra four times holding the thread in your hands.
  •  As you tie the first knot, recite Shri  Nirmal Ganesha mantra, place the knot on the fleshy part of the  palm beneath the thumb as shown in picture.
  • Cover the knot with the corresponding area of the left hand and pray, “Shree Mataji, you who are Shri Ganesh, please come into my Mooladhara Chakra. Please remove all negativity and possessions that are preventing my spiritual ascent and place them into this knot “
  • Keep the track of the position of the first knot, and as you make each successive knot, pass the knot you have already tied through the new knot.
  •  Tying the second knot, repeat the technique as described above, reciting  the Shri Nirmal Vidya mantra.
  •  Place the string on the right thumb, cover it with the left thumb (see picture) and repeat, ‘Shri Mataji, you who are Shri Nirmal Vidya, please come into my left Swadisthan Chakra. Please remove all the negativity and possessions that are preventing my spiritual ascent and place them into this knot .
  •  Recite the Shri Gruha Lakshmi mantra for the third knot and place the string on  the Nabhi finger (Please see the picture below)
  • Shri Shiva Parvati mantra for the fourth and place the string on the little finger.
  •  Shri Vishnumaya for the fifth knot and place the string on the Vishuddhi finger.
  • Shri Mahavir  for the sixth knot and place the string on the Agnya finger.
  •  Recite the Shri Mahakali, Bhadra Kali, Kali Kalki mantra for the seventh knot.
  • Take the first knot and place it over the Mooladhara area of the left hand.
  • Lay the string in a clockwise circle on the palm of the hand with the last knot (Saharara) on the centre of the palm.
  • Pray to Shree Mataji – ‘Shree Mataji, you are the Adi Shakti, please remove all negativity and possessions that are preventing my spiritual ascent and place them on these knots.’
  • Dip the string into the mustard oil. Run your fingers along the string to squeeze out the excess oil.
  • Holding the string by the last knot (Sahasrara), burn it over the flame of a candle as you recite the Shuddha Iccha mantra, giving thanks to Shri Agni Dev for clearing your chakras.
  • Request Shree Mataji to fill you with her divine vibrations.

Wash your hands and sit in meditation.


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