Why do I not practice Reiki anymore?

Why I do not practice Reiki anymore. I learnt Reiki – both level I and II way back in 2001. Yes, couple of miracles were also witnessed by me. One was the fact that the road in front of our house was all broken and the local municipal body had been postponing our area for a very long time – almost 12 years..or even more! I tried to test Reiki…yeah! Scientific brain folks – we tend to scrutinize everything under the microscope! In 7 to 10 days, suddenly we saw…

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Reiki – Dr. K. Muralidharan

  REIKI – The USUI system of Natural Healing is the right form and traditional REIKI. This is taught in two days for Basic Course and another two days for Advanced Course, generally known as REIKI I and REIKI II. REIKI II can be done only after one month’s practicing on self and others. During the two days’ course in REIKI I and II, lectures on mental upliftment , spiritualism, psychology, controlling body through the Power of Thoughts and mind, emotional let-out exercise, Practice of Touch Healing and Absentee Healing/Distant…

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