How to identify a GENUINE GURU?

WHO IS A GENUINE GURU ? HOW TO IDENTIFY ONE FROM A PLETHORA OF FAKE & FALSE ONES ABOUNDING EVERYWHERE. At the rate the false gurus, the so called “yoga experts”, the Godmen with large followings are getting exposed nowadays, it is becoming increasingly difficult to convince those who don’t show much discretion, that you cannot put everything in one common basket. They should understand that just as there are real flowers, you can get also thousands of plastic ones with different hues and sizes trying to pass off as…

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WORLD TRANSFORMATION THROUGH INNER AWAKENING – Sahaja Yoga & Me! An article by Sahaja Yogini Armaity Bhabha Having always been a seeker in life, I was unaware of what I was seeking. An idealist to the core, I was often hurt by the behaviour of others and often wondered how they could behave in a way they often did. Not that I was perfect…. no way thinking that….but atleast I was aware about my shortcomings and always strived to overcome them. Introspection has always been a part of my life…

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HUMANITY AT WAR ~ HOW TO BECOME ONE History shows us that religious differences have always divided humanity often leading to struggle and wars. Till today, we have not been able to solve this rigmarole and confusion and we are yet ruing the consequences. The reason for this is that so far there have only been very few on this earth who have been able to see a common thread running through our differences. “Unity in diversity” has merely remained a concept. Just as each one of us plays roles…

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What is actually obstructing our spiritual growth?

What is actually obstructing our spiritual growth? Now one thing is there, obstructing Sahasrara, is the movement of your Agnya into thoughts. That is the only thing- that is the only thing that stops your entry into Sahaja Yoga. Thoughts are coming all the time because a human being is born who reacts to everything. React to this and react to that and thoughts coming and thoughts go. There is a big crowd of thoughts because of that your attention cannot cross over Agnya and cannot reside in the Sahasrara….

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The Beej mantras associated with each chakra

The Beej mantras associated with each chakra “LAM”-  Muladhara chakra 1 (root) When properly produced, the sound LANG excites the nadis (subtle channels of energy) in the first chakra and creates a lock that prevents the downward movement of energy. LA is the sound for the earth element and NG is nada-bindu, the primal cosmic sound from which the universe manifested. Repetition of the bija manta LANG deepens concentration, giving awareness and inner strength. Its vibrations create a passage inside the Brahma Nadi. Brahma Nadi, is the subtle channel through…

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Celebrities better not endorse Sahaja Yoga!

Celebrities better not endorse Sahaja Yoga! When I had just about joined Sahaja Yoga way back in 2002, I heard other sahajees discussing about a certain lady celebrity (name withheld) who had taken the blessings of Shree Mataji and she had won the most sort after beauty pageant that year. Sahajees were also discussing that if she (the model) wanted, she could have really taken Sahaja Yoga much forward by just spreading the word of what Kundalini shakti is all about and if only she had talked about Shree Mataji…

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