Punjab has a very special significance in my life! Hi Folks, In this post I am going to relate some observations that I made on my own life. The significance of Punjab in my life! I was born in Chandigarh, Punjab. I was born on the 5th of October – which strangely coincided with Panchami of Durga Puja festival. Panchami or the 5th day is calculated according to the Bengali (or Hindi) calendar and does not necessarily fall on the 5th of English calendar – like Panchami can fall on…
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The Seed And Us – Similarities
Just like the seed needs the warmth and nourishment of Mother Earth (soil) to germinate, so do we need the blessings of a Sadhguru to evolve into our own higher state or get our self realization. Notice that the seed already has the elements required for it to germinate and grow into a plant or a tree. Not all seeds reach the soil. Even if they reach, they may be trampled over or uprooted. Some seeds are even boiled…to be consumed!
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