The Beej mantras associated with each chakra
“LAM”- Muladhara chakra 1 (root)
- When properly produced, the sound LANG excites the nadis (subtle channels of energy) in the first chakra and creates a lock that prevents the downward movement of energy.
- LA is the sound for the earth element and NG is nada-bindu, the primal cosmic sound from which the universe manifested.
- Repetition of the bija manta LANG deepens concentration, giving awareness and inner strength.
- Its vibrations create a passage inside the Brahma Nadi.
- Brahma Nadi, is the subtle channel through which the Kundalini, when awakened moves from Muladhara to Sahasrara Chakra.
- The element associated with the Muladhara Chakra is Earth. The square is the symbol for Earth. It represents the four directions and the four dimensions.
“VAM”- Swadisthana chakra 2 (sacral/navel)
- When the bija mantra VANG is repeated the Swadhishtana Chakra is purified.
- Agni is the god of fire and the acceptor of sacrifices.
- The nature of fire is to move upwards and the repetition of this mantra, when produced properly helps the upward movement of the Kundalini.
- The fire element in this region aids in the digestion and absorption of food,which supplies the whole body with vital energy.
- The fire element is related to hunger, thirst, sleep, lethargy and radiance (ojas).
- The 2 inverted triangles David star is the symbol of this chakra.
“RAM”- Manipura chakra 3 (solar plexus)
- The bija mantra for this chakra is RAM sounded as RANG.
- The sound RANG increases the digestive fire, which enhances assimilation and absorption.
- It contributes to longevity, the main goal of a person motivated by this chakra.
- The power of Varuna, an aspect of Vishnu (the sustainer of creation) is present in the bija mantra VANG.
- In Hindu mythology, Varuna is considered the god of all forms of the water element.
- When the bija mantra VANG is repeated it enhances the production and circulation of fluids in the body.
- The shape associated with this element is the circle, which represents the element water.
- Water droplets are spherical. Water is the essence of life. Almost three quarters of the human body is water, which is present in blood, mucous, urine, saliva, lymph and other fluids.
“YAM”- Anahata chakra 4 (heart)
- The bija mantra for this chakra is YAM sounded as YANG.
- The mantra is focused in the heart chakra.
- When this sound is produced properly the spiritual heart vibrates and any blocks in the cardiac region are cleared.
- True knowledge dawns in the consciousness and the second knot, the Vishnu Granthi, is undone, allowing energy to start to flow upward.
- Sounding the bija mantra YANG gives one control over air, prana and the breath.
- The bija mantra YANG is the sound form of the deity Vayu, the lord of the air/wind.
- The Anahata Chakra is associated with love and the desire for sharing and sympathy.
- Here energy can move upward or downward. The element associated with the Anahata Chakra is vayu (air or wind).
- Vayu is thevital life-giving force (prana). It aids the functions of the lungs and heart, circulating fresh oxygen and vital energy.
“HUM”- Vishudha chakra 5 (throat)
- The bija mantra for this chakra is HUM sounded as HUNG.
- The ‘H’ sound in the bija mantra HUNG is produced at the back of the throat.
- The mantra is focused in the throat chakra.
- When this sound is produced properly, it vibrates the brain and causes the cerebro-spinal fluid to flow more freely in the throat region.
- The Vishuddha Chakra is associated with the element akasha (ether) and the sense of hearing, as well as the action of speaking/ communication and being collective (form teams/ unite and work as team).
- The influence of the five elements ceases after the fifth chakra and the aspirant becomes a tattvatit, one who has gone beyond the grip of the elements.
“Hum Shum” – Agnya chakra 6 (third eye/brow)
- The bija mantra Hum-Shum (Ham Sham) .
- The third eye plays an important role in the piercing of the third knot, Rudra Granthi.
- Hum-Shum meaning ‘ I Forgive‘ is the mantra to rise above the 3rd eye chakra.
- When Rudra Granthi is pierced, individuality is dropped, the old ego awareness is left behind and the experience of un-manifest consciousness emerges at the Sahasrara Chakra.
- The symbol for this chakra is the cross with two petals on either side.
- The aura of such persons enables all those who come into their presence to become calm and sensitive to the refined sound frequencies of AUM.
“AUM”- Sahasrara chakra 7 (crown)
- In Sanskrit the word ‘Sahasrara’, means thousand, so the Sahasrara Chakra is the ‘Lotus of the Thousand Petals’ and is located four finger-breadths above the crown of the head.
- When the Kundalini is raised up to the Sahasrara Chakra, the illusion of the ‘individual self’ is dissolved.
- According to the scriptures, the Sahasrara Chakra is the seat of the self-luminous Self, the essence of being.
- The sounds associated with this chakra is AUM.