The Beej Mantras That Help Us Get Over Illusion

The Beej Mantras That Help Us Get Over Illusion

Within the sushumna (central energy channel) there are three granthis or knots that prevent the upward movement of the Kundalini Shakti.

The Brahma Granthi (located in the Muladhara Chakra ) is related to the physical body, to the world of names and forms.

Vishnu Granthi (located between the Manipura and the Anahata Chakra) is related to the astral body and to the world of emotions.

Rudra Granthi (located at the Ajna Chakra) is related to the causal body and to the world of thought, ideas, visions and intuition.

The Bija mantras are one-syllable seed sounds that, when said aloud, activate the energy of the chakras in order to purify & balance the mind & body.

When you speak the bija mantras, you resonate with the energy of the associated chakra.–as mentioned in the  Jabala Darsana Upanishad in 5000 BC.

Ham, Yam, Ram, Vam and Lam are the panch bhoota mantras.

The five elements evolve from the five tanamatras (principals); earth from gandha (smell), water from rasa (taste), fire from rupa (sight), air from sparsha (touch) and akasha from shabda (hearing).

When sounding the bija mantras for the chakras we are connecting with the different elements.



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