The Incomprehensible & Unlimited Love Of God


  1. God’s Love is Beyond Payment:
    • Human beings cannot comprehend the notion of paying for God’s love; it is beyond monetary value and transactional nature.
  2. Human Understanding is Limited:
    • People struggle to grasp God’s love because they exist within a limited, confined sphere of understanding.
  3. Unlimited and Infinite Concepts:
    • The concepts of “unlimited” and “infinite” are difficult for humans to understand because they have never truly experienced anything without limits.
  4. Genuineness Doesn’t Need Certification:
    • Genuine love, like God’s, doesn’t need validation or certification. However, humans often seek such assurances due to their conditioned nature.
  5. Artificiality vs. Truth:
    • Humans often mistake artificiality for truth. They continuously cycle through accepting and rejecting perceived truths, which often turn out to be artificial or mentally projected constructs.
  6. Conditioned by Limited Experiences:
    • Human experiences and limited endeavors condition them in ways that make understanding God’s true nature challenging.
  7. Creation from Compassion and Love:
    • God created the universe and human beings out of pure compassion and love, not out of necessity or for any reward.
  8. Love Without Reason or Reward:
    • God’s love is given freely, without any reason or expectation of reward, purely for the sake of love itself.
  9. Human Difficulty in Comprehending Pure Love:
    • It is hard for humans to imagine a person who can love solely for the sake of love, without any ulterior motive or expectation.


You cannot pay for God’s love. It makes Me laugh sometimes. Human beings can never understand His love because they live in a very limited sphere. His love is unlimited. His forgiveness is unlimited. Even this word “unlimited” and “infinite” we do not understand because we have not known anything like that and to say that something is genuine is also like certifying something that is genuine.

You do not need a certificate. Even that, human beings do not understand. We live with artificialities. We try to find the truth. Again we accept artificiality as truth. Again we go on fighting. Then we think this is the truth. Again that turns out to be some artificial thing or some sort of a mental projection. All these limited endeavours of human beings and experiences, they have made them so conditioned that it is not easy to understand God. He made all this universe in His compassion and love.

He created you as human beings also in His compassion and love. He does not need anything. But He loves. And you cannot understand a person who loves beyond any reason, without any reward, just loves for love’s sake. We cannot think of one human being like that who can love only for love’s sake.

Her Holiness Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
11 May 1982

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