The Testing Ways of Lord Shri Krishna

The Test of Arjuna’s faith and devotion

You must be well aware of the incident when both Duruyodhana and Arjuna went to ask Shri Krishna for helping in the Battle of Kurukshetra. Since Shri Krishna was the maternal uncle to both, so he could not disappoint any one. He thus gave them the option to choose either Him or His army – so that He could make them both happy. Plus He added one more clause – the fact that he will not use any weapon in the battlefield – he will just stand by whoever selects Him or at the most become the ‘Sarathi’ (charioteer).


When they had approached Him, Shri Krishna was asleep so both Duruyodhana & Arjuna waited for Him to wake up. Arjuna at His lotus feet and Duruyodhana sat near His head. When Shri Krishna opened His eyes, He saw Arjuna first – although Duruyodhna had come first to His palace. Duruyodhana mentioned to Him that since he had come to the palace first, so he should be given the opportunity to select from the 2 options! But Shri Krishna replied that since He first saw Arjuna, so Arjuna will get the first chance to request.

Duruyodhana feared that Arjuna will obviously select His army and he will just be left with Shri Krishna who would not even use His warrior skills in the battlefield! But Arjuna chose Shri Krishna above His army…..amusing Duruyodhana immensely! Little did he realize what he had missed! The CEO of the Universe stood by Arjuna…who could defeat him!?

Remember folks that Shri Krishna was more of Arjuna’s friend in Dwapar yuga – Arjuna had not even witnessed His Viswaroop darshan….yet he chose Shri Krishna – based only on love & faith towards a friend who stood by him through thick and thin. As far as divine miracles were concerned – like failing to disrobe Queen Draupadi episode..and many more – both Arjuna & Duruyodhana had witnessed it…but Duruyodhana failed to understand His divine nature…he just thought of Him as some black magician!

Arjuna passed the test….probably the reason why only Arjuna (& Sanjaya the narrator of war front news to Dritrashtra) could see Lord Krishna’s viswaroop darshan.

Shri Krishna tests His own army

Just before the war was about to begin, Shri Krishna addressed the soldiers fighting for Duruyodhana (Kauravas) and gave them the option to change the side – like if anyone thinks that he should belong to the other side (Pandaves) instead. Only one soldier came out (out of over thousands) and showed his interest to leave the side of Kauravas!

Ideally the entire Army of Shri Krishna should have come out and fought for the Pandavas…since their King was on the side of the Pandavas! But probably even they thought it to be safe to fight for the Kauravas…..for the Kauravas had a huge army (manpower) and several kingdoms were supporting them…..and humans always apply their meagre brains and logic in any and every situation!

Conclusion – It is not so easy to pass the examination paper set by God!



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