Unhappy upbringing and lack of love caused the gory Partha-Debjani De episode!

Unhappy upbringing and lack of love caused the gory Partha-Debjani De episode!


The police have found diaries written by Mr De in which there are accounts of an unhappy upbringing.

Police on June 10 stumbled upon the maggot-infested skeletons of Debjani De and two dogs while investigating the death of her father Arabinda De, the owner of the house whose burnt body was found inside a bathroom. While the police have pressed no formal charges against him, they are likely to question Partha during the day.

One may continue talking a lot regarding this unimaginable and sad episode – but the crux of the matter are as follows:

  1. Lack of steady parental love: Parents had separated. Daughter lived with father and son lived with mother!- Although under normal circumstances – just the opposite is supposed to happen! Daughter lives with the mother, son lives with the father. First abnormal move observed here.
  2. Highly educated but confused about basic duty & responsibility!- When the daughter could be sent to London for a piano class certification – the same family could not take good care of the wife/ mother when she was suffering from cancer?! Son was doing a good job in TCS England – meaning he made good money – so what happened when it came to doing his Mother’s chemotherapy in the best available hospital? I believe (according to NEWS channels of course) that the family hardly took any care of the mother suffering from cancer!
  3. Own mother was left to rot and now he wants to donate properties to Mother Teresa Missionary?!– what does he think he is doing? Following a ‘Being Human’ stunt huh?! He had objections to his own father sharing his property with his own brother – and lo behold – he’ll now give his property in charity!
  4. Seeking God while disrespecting parents? – I guess when parents could not love them enough – with both parents on their respective ego-trips – how can children then have any love or respect for them!? In order to attain God, I think the bare minimum qualification should be ‘Be Humane’ first! It is only after you pass being human enough – a good human ie. – that includes qualities humbleness, innocence, kindness, patience, loving, forgiving, being respectful towards fellow human beings etc.


A search also yielded notes by Debjani suggesting she starved to death in her bid to ‘attain god’.

Circumstantial evidence suggests Partha could not accept his sister’s death and kept her corpse hoping resurrection.

Notes like: “My mother was jealous of her (Debjani). We went to Digha (on vacation). My mother made her strip in the bathroom…” and “My mother thinks I am impotent” had earlier led officials to suspect incest and necrophilia.






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