What is the main problem of Sahaja Yoga?

What is the main problem of Sahaja Yoga?

“This is the main problem of Sahaja Yoga, is that your attention has to be towards God Almighty.

Otherwise, nothing can work out.

Your ascent cannot work out.

If you have come to Sahaja Yoga to make money, all right, you will make money and get out.

If you have come here to show off your knowledge and all that, you will show it and get out.

If you have come here to show your power and your authority, you stay there and get out.

Like that many people have gone out if you know.

And this is what is to be really taken care of, that you don’t try to use Sahaja Yoga for all these stupid things, which are not permanent, which are not eternal.

Sahaja Yoga is to be used just for cleansing yourself, for becoming the ocean, the ocean of love.”

An extract from Guru Puja, “Watch Your Mind and Attention”, Cabella Ligure, July 16th, 1995

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